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Author Topic: Kernel panic - not syncing: System is deadlocked on memory, on 128MB RAM laptop  (Read 8431 times)

Offline mulan84

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Hello everyone,

I'm completly new to the Tiny Core Linux, and I have a question. When I trying to run TinyCore from CD on my Compaq armada V300 with Celeron 466Mhz and 128Mb of RAM. I recieve an error as in topic: Kernel panic - not syncing: System is deadlocked on memory. It's a bit wierd for me becuse when I use the same Tiny core.iso, on virtual box with 64MB it's run without any problem???? So what could be cause me an issue???? Iam also able to run on this notebook Knoppix 7.0.4 Live CD which have more higher system requriments.
I will be grateful for any advice.


Offline jazzbiker

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Hi, mulan84!

Try some older TC version, for example 6.4.1

Offline mulan84

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Hi, mulan84!

Try some older TC version, for example 6.4.1

Eureka you were right!!!!, I used even "10.1" and it's run without any problem, thank you very much for help :D. Sometimes the easiest solutions are the best :D. Topic can be closed.


Offline jazzbiker

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Hi, mulan84!

Glad to know You've got the simple workaround, TC 10.1 is quite up-to-date and well tested. Frankly speaking i'm still on 10.1 mostly.
But the question "what was wrong wis TC 11?" still exists. Probably it is Kernel issue. Trouble is that kernel panic didn't leave any traces, only screenshots. I can't guess what causes this, TinyCore creators and maintainers can try to find the answer, but I hesitate, is it so important. Older versions are fully functional, maybe missing some newer soft, but working well with accessible in repo.

I was sure, that if TC10 works on some box, then TC11 will too, but it appears to be wrong assumption.

Have a nice Core!
« Last Edit: May 27, 2020, 10:36:48 AM by jazzbiker »