Actually, the copy/paste process is no longer necessary.
Server Setup1) Download and install the extension sftp-server submitted by Daniel Barnes although these files are located in the TC 1.x respository they work just as well with TC 2.2)2) Create a password for user tc:
sudo passwd tc
3) Start Dropbear via Contol Panel > SSH Server
Client Setup Install extension sshfs-fuse-2.2 with appbrowser
Now Try It Out!On the SSH server:
1) Open a terminal and create a test directory in /home/tc
mkdir beatles
2) Switch to your directory and create some empty files
cd beatles
touch john paul george ringo
3) Get your ip address
ifconfig eth0 | grep inet
On the client
4) Open a terminal and create a mountpoint in /home/tc
mkdir ssh-host
5) Invoke the sshfs command
sshfs -d tc@ip_addresss_from_step_3:/home/tc/beatles ssh-host
6) You should see something similar to this:
Host 'x.x.x.x' is not in the trusted hosts file.
(fingerprint md5 fb:e0:52:98:fe:ab:ef:f9:f0:4a:78:8e:2f:5c:36:c0)
Do you want to continue connecting? (y/n)
(Note: if you leave out the -d switch, the cursor will hang and wait for confirmation without displaying the message.)7) Press y and hit enter

Supply your password
9) Issue a list command on the mounted directory
ls ssh-host
You should see the files created in step 2.
To UnmountFrom the /home/tc directory on the client enter:
fusermount -u ssh-host
{Edit: Added unmount instructions}