Tiny Core Linux
Tiny Core Extensions => TCE Talk => Topic started by: dsara35 on December 23, 2009, 05:45:12 AM
In my system arora browser extension is installed in opt/tce.. i cannt delete that extension.. How to delete that???? ::) :o ;D
Where did you get it, and why can't you delete it?
I dont know but i cann`t move from that directory. In tools->appsaudit the path is set as mnt/hda1/tce.. How to change that path???? Bcoz My arora is installed in opt/tce only...?????????????????????????????????
These poor smileys would prefer to celebrate Xmas. 8)
Your problem is difficult to answer without profound information about your setup.
But reading that appsaudit decided to use /mnt/hda1/tce I guess you did an ordinary hard drive setup following the official TC installation guide (http://www.tinycorelinux.com/install.html).
Maybe later you've mixed something up and happened to 'install' your aurora in a wrong place with the consequence that your system doesn't know anything of this wild 'install' and you have to repair it by hand.
Have a look into the file /opt/.filetool.lst. It the directory 'opt/tce' mentioned there?
If yes, have a look into that dir and decide if it would be OK to delete its whole content.
If yes, delete the line 'opt/tce' in your /opt/.filetool.lst file, reboot and hopefully (if no other bootcodes are working in /mnt/hda1/boot/grub/menu.lst) your arora is away.
But should your setup be different you need to give more detailed information, pastebin of /mnt/hda1/boot/grub/menu.lst and /opt/.filetool.lst could be helpful.
Good luck