Tiny Core Linux

Tiny Core Base => CorePlus => Topic started by: Trace on January 29, 2014, 10:34:45 PM

Title: Can you setup Wifi with a static ip address?
Post by: Trace on January 29, 2014, 10:34:45 PM
Hello all,

I have been trying to setup wifi in the latest coreplus to work with a static ip address?

I have tried everything (all the different scripts for bootlocal.sh etc.) I can find and udhcpc still runs.

Been at this for a couple of days now, I'm sure I am missing something really simple.

Can anyone help or point me in the right direction, is anyone else using tiny core with wifi and a static ip address?

Title: Re: Can you setup Wifi with a static ip address?
Post by: gerald_clark on January 29, 2014, 11:33:54 PM
Boot with the nodhcp option.
Then you can ifconfig a static address.
Title: Re: Can you setup Wifi with a static ip address?
Post by: Trace on January 30, 2014, 12:13:43 AM
I've tried that and udhcpc always runs, I've tried so many different things now that I'm sure I'm missing something right in front of me.

Can you please detail how exactly you would go about it.
Title: Re: Can you setup Wifi with a static ip address?
Post by: tinypoodle on January 30, 2014, 12:25:37 AM
udhcpc is not expected to run automatically with boot code "nodhcp".
I suggest you boot with "nodhcp norestore" to exclude you have any scripts laying around somewhere and try to set an IP manually.
Code: [Select]
sudo ifconfig interface address
Title: Re: Can you setup Wifi with a static ip address?
Post by: beerstein on January 30, 2014, 06:40:27 AM
Hi Trace:
Is your TCL system hooked via WIFI to a router which is set up using  DHCP?
If yes, this router assigns an IP address to your system. If you have a static IP address on your system the router can not see it.

I think - but I am not sure - First set up your TCL system using DHCP (automatic address assignment) then check which IP your system has been assigned  to. (using ifconfig)  It will be an address inside the routers address range. Make a note of it and assign this address as a static address to your TCL system. Then check if the  router still sees your system. Please let me know if it worked.
Title: Re: Can you setup Wifi with a static ip address?
Post by: tinypoodle on January 30, 2014, 07:00:53 AM
If you have a static IP address on your system the router can not see it.

How so?
Title: Re: Can you setup Wifi with a static ip address?
Post by: Juanito on January 30, 2014, 07:09:40 AM
First set up your TCL system using DHCP (automatic address assignment) then check which IP your system has been assigned  to. (using ifconfig)  It will be an address inside the routers address range. Make a note of it and assign this address as a static address to your TCL system.

I'm no expert, but I thought it was good practise to set a static ip address outside of the dhcp address range?
Title: Re: Can you setup Wifi with a static ip address?
Post by: tinypoodle on January 30, 2014, 07:12:55 AM
I'm no expert, but I thought it was good practise to set a static ip address outside of the dhcp address range?

Title: Re: Can you setup Wifi with a static ip address?
Post by: Trace on January 30, 2014, 12:21:20 PM
OK .... here's some more facts:

Coreplus is installed on USB flashdrive from a latest version live CD.

nodhcp was chosen as one of the permanent boot options during install and is still there.

My hardware router has it's integrated DHCP turned off (we have multiple Xbox's here and have to use static addresses for each to avoid confusion).

Everything here laptop's, phone's, tablet's etc. are all set with individual static addresses and work with no problems.

What I am looking for is a way to setup my latest coreplus to automatically connect after booting with a static ip address.

From the way everybody is talking it seems like it should be really simple but for me no matter what I try when I try to connect and enter my tkip password .... it always starts UDHCPC and broadcasts for a lease .... which of course it never gets because DHCP is turned off in my hardware router.

I've tried different ways using nodhcp bootcode etc. and all the scripts and instructions I could find e.g.:

pkill udhcpc
ifconfig wlan0 (static address) netmask up
route add default gw (gateway address)
echo "nameserver" > /etc/resolv.conf

and putting that in bootlocal.sh.

No matter what I try ... when I click on the wifi icon and enter my network and tkip key ..... UDHCPC always runs ????

I'll try the "nodhcp norestore"    and   "sudo ifconfig interface address"   but this seems very similar to what I've tried before.

Are you guys using static addresses over wifi?
Title: Re: Can you setup Wifi with a static ip address?
Post by: gerald_clark on January 30, 2014, 12:30:31 PM
Don't run wifi.sh.
Title: Re: Can you setup Wifi with a static ip address?
Post by: Trace on January 30, 2014, 12:55:57 PM
Aha... yes wifi.sh seems to be the problem .... always runs udhcpc.

Can you tell me how to do it without using wifi.sh?

And how to setup and execute my settings (inc. password etc.) to connect automatically when booting?
Title: Re: Can you setup Wifi with a static ip address?
Post by: tinypoodle on January 30, 2014, 12:58:22 PM
Title: Re: Can you setup Wifi with a static ip address?
Post by: Trace on January 30, 2014, 01:01:57 PM
wpa-tkip   ......... essid and password.
Title: Re: Can you setup Wifi with a static ip address?
Post by: tinypoodle on January 30, 2014, 01:09:45 PM
You shouldn't be concerned at all about "to connect automatically when booting" before you have managed manually, and then you can script.
All the idea about "norestore" was that no scripts are run.

Look into wpa_supplicant and optionally wpa_gui or wpa_cli, they are all well documented; there is nothing specific to Core to it, with exception from bootlocal.sh for automatization purposes.
Title: Re: Can you setup Wifi with a static ip address?
Post by: Trace on January 30, 2014, 01:28:18 PM
Yes I tried the norestore instructions as well but dhcpc still ran and I don't know how to connect without using wifi.sh

Ok .... yes I'll look into that but I've already spent about 3 days researching.

I was hoping there was just a simple way of doing it ... it only takes seconds in Puppy and others.

Is nobody here using tc with a static address over wifi?

I really like the philosophy of tc but static ip is essential for me and this just seems like a huge amount of work.

This and slitaz are the only distro's I have problems with static ip's in and they both use UDHCPC.
Am I the only person wanting to do this?
Title: Re: Can you setup Wifi with a static ip address?
Post by: gerald_clark on January 30, 2014, 01:38:13 PM
Core is not a boot and run distro.
It is a toolkit.
wifi.sh is ONE of the tools.
Others have been mentioned already.

You need to learn how to use the tools.
Iwconfig and wpa_supplicant are thoroughly documented on the internet.  Simple instructions are in the .info files.
Title: Re: Can you setup Wifi with a static ip address?
Post by: beerstein on January 30, 2014, 01:51:31 PM
again - did you try to use a static IP address inside the routers range. ?
I am using piCore here on a RaspberryPi and I have it set up DHCP and its address from thr router is Using the Control Panel I changed the yes  from"use DCHP Broadcast?" to NO and inserted the here plus the Gateway and the Broadcast. The Nameservers are still there from the DHCP and I have left them untouched.
Then I rebooted with the static address and the RP was connected using static IP.
Title: Re: Can you setup Wifi with a static ip address?
Post by: tinypoodle on January 30, 2014, 01:56:16 PM
Static configuration is very rarely used with wifi by latter's very nature; e.g. with any network which you do not administrate, you could not know the range of allowed addresses.
Personally I always run udhcpc (or any other dhcp client) explicitely after having associated and possibly authenticated first, so I can't imagine any obstacle to a static configuration instead.
Title: Re: Can you setup Wifi with a static ip address?
Post by: bmarkus on January 30, 2014, 01:59:05 PM
again - did you try to use a static IP address inside the routers range. ?
I am using piCore here on a RaspberryPi and I have it set up DHCP and its address from thr router is Using the Control Panel I changed the yes  from"use DCHP Broadcast?" to NO and inserted the here plus the Gateway and the Broadcast. The Nameservers are still there from the DHCP and I have left them untouched.
Then I rebooted with the static address and the RP was connected using static IP.

Do not uses static address within the DHCP address range. There is a release time in the DHCP server to assign same IP to a MAC within this period which cab be few days tipycally but after that this address will be reassign to another MAC. So be prepared for IP conflict later when router will use for another device.

If you need a fix address, you can set up your DHCP server to assign a specificic IP to a MAC instead of choosing one from the pool. In this case you can use TC as ususally and manage IP centrally.
Title: Re: Can you setup Wifi with a static ip address?
Post by: tinypoodle on January 30, 2014, 02:03:33 PM
again - did you try to use a static IP address inside the routers range. ?
I am using piCore here on a RaspberryPi and I have it set up DHCP and its address from thr router is Using the Control Panel I changed the yes  from"use DCHP Broadcast?" to NO and inserted the here plus the Gateway and the Broadcast. The Nameservers are still there from the DHCP and I have left them untouched.
Then I rebooted with the static address and the RP was connected using static IP.

Arbitrary use of a static IP without having excluded that it may be within range of dynamic address pool is reckless and could get you in trouble with any netadmin.
Title: Re: Can you setup Wifi with a static ip address?
Post by: Trace on January 30, 2014, 02:23:14 PM
The DHCP in my hardware router is off .....

The address I am using is the same one that I use from the same laptop when I am trying different distro's on it.

This static ip address works fine with this laptop and router with : windows, BT5, puppy, etc.

It does not work with tc and slitaz and these both seem to have the same problem of udhcpc always being invoked and so by the process of trial and error and the harware always being the same it is not the address that is at fault.

slitaz also uses wpa_supplicant and wpa_gui for setup and even with that seems impossible to use without udhcpc always starting which is why I am trying to find a working example from someone who has done it.

I get the feeling noone here has actually ever done this?
Title: Re: Can you setup Wifi with a static ip address?
Post by: gerald_clark on January 30, 2014, 02:34:17 PM
Once you have the interface associated with your access point, just use ifconfig to assign an IP address.
Title: Re: Can you setup Wifi with a static ip address?
Post by: Trace on January 30, 2014, 02:44:41 PM
Yes I can do that but can't connect without using wifi.sh to enter  wpa-psk key which starts udhcpc and so fails to connect.

I am writing this using the same static ip and hardware right now from vista and can reboot and do the same from puppy and various other distro's using the same address.

So it seems it's udhcpc that is the problem and noone knows how to stop it running.
Title: Re: Can you setup Wifi with a static ip address?
Post by: gerald_clark on January 30, 2014, 02:49:43 PM
You do NOT need to run wifi.sh
Research iwconfig and wpa_supplicant.
Title: Re: Can you setup Wifi with a static ip address?
Post by: bmarkus on January 30, 2014, 02:52:31 PM
So it seems it's udhcpc that is the problem and noone knows how to stop it running.

You can kill udhcpc with kill command. For process number look around in /var/run

You can disable it with nodhcp boot code, see

Title: Re: Can you setup Wifi with a static ip address?
Post by: Trace on January 30, 2014, 03:12:21 PM
I have already set these bootcodes and other combinations as suggested on the 1st page. I have tried various different pkill udhcpc commands.
and have tried wpa_supplicant in slitaz which seems to have the same unstoppable udhcpc.

If it's simple please can someone give me an example script or instructions instead of just suggesting solutions for different stages of connecting via wifi.

I know it's probably right in front of me but I'm so lost in it now I'm confused.
Title: Re: Can you setup Wifi with a static ip address?
Post by: tinypoodle on January 30, 2014, 03:13:07 PM
wifi.sh is subject to GPL, if you insist on using a tool that does not meet your needs, you are free to modify it to your liking.

Core is a toolkit, and it is the users responsibility which tools to choose and how to use them.

The only automatic invocation of udhcpc could occur when omitting boot code "nodhcp" as a default which may be convenient for some users (it's not convenient for me, but I don't feel that interferes with my freedom a simple mechanism to deactivate it is provided).
Title: Re: Can you setup Wifi with a static ip address?
Post by: tinypoodle on January 30, 2014, 03:19:21 PM
If it's simple please can someone give me an example script or instructions instead of just suggesting solutions for different stages of connecting via wifi.

I know it's probably right in front of me but I'm so lost in it now I'm confused.

Title: Re: Can you setup Wifi with a static ip address?
Post by: Trace on January 30, 2014, 03:30:21 PM
Those instructions are for connecting at boot using udhcpc.

I don't have a problem connecting using udhcpc.

I do have nodhcp as a default boot code as I said on page 1.

If there is no simple answer, there is no simple answer ..... I'm surprised that I seem to be the only person to want to do this.

Title: Re: Can you setup Wifi with a static ip address?
Post by: gerald_clark on January 30, 2014, 03:42:37 PM
You may be happier running Ubuntu or some other boot and run distro.
You do NOT need to use dhcp, and your repeated complaints about it demonstrate
that you are not bothering to learn the tools you have been pointed to.
You need to establish an association with your access point.
For WEP use iwconfig.
For WPA use wpa_supplicant.
Once associated, use ifconfig to assign the IP address.
Title: Re: Can you setup Wifi with a static ip address?
Post by: tinypoodle on January 30, 2014, 03:53:19 PM
Those instructions are for connecting at boot using udhcpc.

I don't have a problem connecting using udhcpc.

Seriously now??
Those instructions seem to make it more than crystal clear that running udhcpc is a distinct step after running wpa_supplicant!!
Title: Re: Can you setup Wifi with a static ip address?
Post by: tinypoodle on January 30, 2014, 04:19:52 PM
A quick search for "dhcp" in manpage of wpa_supplicant(8) bears exactly one result:
After wpa_supplicant has configured the network device, higher level configuration such as DHCP may proceed.

Keywords: "such as", "may" :D
Title: Re: Can you setup Wifi with a static ip address?
Post by: Trace on January 30, 2014, 04:22:48 PM
Have either of you two who constantly make this out to be simple ever actually done this successfully?

I have spent three days trying to learn these tools and need help from people who have used them successfully in the circumstances I am asking about .... that is why I'm here.   I have never said that I have wep so have no idea why that is being mentioned and I have no complaints about dhcpc it works very well .... I was looking for advice from anybody who had actually connected without it.

If you can't help please do not talk down to me because I require a simpler explanation than you would.

I can't believe it's such a steep learning curve to just get a connection with a static ip.

If tc is unsuitable for what I am asking about then please tell me and it will save us all a lot of time.
Title: Re: Can you setup Wifi with a static ip address?
Post by: tinypoodle on January 30, 2014, 05:01:43 PM
Have either of you two who constantly make this out to be simple ever actually done this successfully?

Sure... but:
1. Only when for some reasons of circumstance dhcp was temporarily less suitable than static config.
2. Only on a WLAN which I'd administrate myself and therefore would have accurate knowledge about which address range is suitable, and info regarding gateway and dns.

There is no difference between statically configuring an established wireless vs. a wired link (and steps have already been hinted in this thread).
Title: Re: Can you setup Wifi with a static ip address?
Post by: Trace on January 30, 2014, 05:20:11 PM
Ok ....

1) dhcp is permanently less suitable here as detailed on page 1.

2) Can you tell me how you did it in your option 2 because that is the circumstances I am looking for help with.

You seem to constantly avoid helping me, I don't understand why it should be so difficult for you to help.

I play guitar, if someone asks me how I play something and I know how to do it I tell or show them ...... I don't hint at it or tell them to go and study music.

Title: Re: Can you setup Wifi with a static ip address?
Post by: gerald_clark on January 30, 2014, 05:36:33 PM
What have you done to get your NIC associated?
You have been pointed to wiki articles that tell you how, but you don't seem interested in reading them.
I am no longer interested in replying here.
Title: Re: Can you setup Wifi with a static ip address?
Post by: tinypoodle on January 30, 2014, 05:49:17 PM
2) Can you tell me how you did it in your option 2 because that is the circumstances I am looking for help with.

Searching back in thread for occurrence, rather surprisingly it was you posting a detailed step-by-step howto (Reply #8), that is exactly how I would do it.

You seem to constantly avoid helping me, I don't understand why it should be so difficult for you to help.

If I had wanted to avoid to help you, I could just have stopped posting, but if you don't appreciate my help and apparently also not the help of several others, then I can still just do that.

I play guitar, if someone asks me how I play something and I know how to do it I tell or show them ...... I don't hint at it or tell them to go and study music.

I am unaware of housecalls being organized through this forum, it's all writing and reading, and often pointing to suitable documentation is one of the best services which could be rendered to someone searching to deal with a subject, as not everyone who has knowledge would be a good doc writer or teacher.

Speaking from own experience, when I decided I wanted to start bothering with WPA, I was reading for 2 weeks about it until I was confident enough to start practicing, first all related official documentation (wpa_supplicant and friends), and then what ever I could google about the subject, wikis, howtos, tech sites and blogs etc. etc.
Title: Re: Can you setup Wifi with a static ip address?
Post by: Trace on January 30, 2014, 06:31:25 PM
I have been reading articles for three days .... and have ended up completely confused, I've said this many times.

That is why I came here because I thought this was the best place to get some basic help with static ip network connection in coreplus.

I didn't register here till I'd been reading and trying everything I could find on google on the subject for two days including everything that's been "hinted" at here.

And I have been constantly trying everything that is suggested to me.

I need totally basic help from someone who has actually done what I am asking and is willing to help.

If you've not done this, what was the point in replying and complaining about me asking????? and if you have why is it such a secret?

I am lost in this and need real basic help, is that not what the forum is for?

Simply is it possible to EASILY connect with a static ip address in Coreplus?

Can anyone give me a direct answer ?

Title: Re: Can you setup Wifi with a static ip address?
Post by: tinypoodle on January 30, 2014, 07:03:27 PM
The only thing wrt "EASILY" I could think of which has not yet been explicitely mentioned is that you try wpa_gui with Core 4.x - as it has not been ported to 5.x as of yet.
Title: Re: Can you setup Wifi with a static ip address?
Post by: Trace on January 30, 2014, 07:50:16 PM
I've been trying things for days including all of your advice.

I'm not willing to have to spend two weeks studying this as you have said you had to.

I came here hoping for help from someone who had actually done this and I don't believe you have after you stated that you had .... and then referred to instructions I had already tried on page 1 as the way you "would" do it...... after directing or in your words "hinting" to several other different instructions that had nothing to do with this method.

Or again your keeping your real method a secret for some reason?

I've never seen anyone put so much effort into being evasive and not helping someone asking for help on a forum.

It makes me wonder if the truth is that noone answering this thread has ever really done this but would rather waste my time than admit it .... a real let down ..... and Coreplus is of no use for anyone with a static ip who is not willing to put in hundreds of hours of study?...... that's not the impression I got from the homepage.

Title: Re: Can you setup Wifi with a static ip address?
Post by: Trace on January 30, 2014, 08:33:30 PM
Ok Gerald .... apologies for the new thread .... after consideration I think it was my fault for wording the original question wrongly in the 1st place and this thread has gone completely away from my intended subject .... so I'll put the new subject here:

Is anybody here using the latest Coreplus with a static ip address over wifi at the moment?

Please only answer if you are doing this now or have done recently and are willing to tell me how.

I've already put days into this trying different methods, I like the modular idea behind TC but only have a wireless internet connection available here with a static ip address and am failing at the first hurdle before even getting started.

I really need simple help and direction .... not hours of study please.

If it's not possible to do it with a simple method then I'll give up and try something else.
Title: Re: Can you setup Wifi with a static ip address?
Post by: coreplayer2 on January 30, 2014, 09:04:54 PM
The tc-5.x Team has provided enough insight into udhcpc to test and report back that it is unstable.  Also the same goes for the Broadcom firmware.  I should think this is the forums purpose to IMPROVE what needs to IMPROVE
Totally misleading and incorrect.

Besides not relevant in this thread  :p
Title: Re: Can you setup Wifi with a static ip address?
Post by: Trace on January 30, 2014, 09:11:10 PM
If it was relevant I would have needed more specific instruction on how to use it ..... I really need instruction from someone who is doing this now or has done recently.

Thanks for saving me time.
Title: Re: Can you setup Wifi with a static ip address?
Post by: Trace on January 30, 2014, 09:48:49 PM
I've decided to look for something else .... I just don't have the amount of time to put into this that some here do.

It seems to me that TC is more of a specific learning tool than a creative tool and only suitable for use with dhcp.
Title: Re: Can you setup Wifi with a static ip address?
Post by: malikawan on January 30, 2014, 11:18:16 PM
I've decided to look for something else .... I just don't have the amount of time to put into this that some here do.

It seems to me that TC is more of a specific learning tool than a creative tool and only suitable for use with dhcp.

Trace link
There is one way if u try
download wifiradar.tcz and disable wifi.tcz then with wifiradar u will setup manually static ip which is working with my pc but you have to config wifi options and wifi driver as wext i think it will help u if getting problem then send me message i will tell u how to configure wifi options
Title: Re: Can you setup Wifi with a static ip address?
Post by: malikawan on January 30, 2014, 11:38:23 PM
open wifi-radar select ur wifi router but donot clik on connect then give ur mode manually which ur router use that time then select channel which ur router use then give key which ur router use then in security tab select restricted then select no WPA it will convert to Use WPA and enter Driver option as "wext" with out inverted commas then click on Auto network configuration it will convert to Manual IP then give IP and Gateway and all u required then click save and now connect it will connect u with static ip and also u can use any ip of router class ip

Malik Awan
Title: Re: Can you setup Wifi with a static ip address?
Post by: Juanito on January 31, 2014, 12:30:39 AM
I haven't seen it mentioned here, but after you associated your wifi with your wap, did you try the "network" fltk applet from the control panel to connect with wifi using a static ip address? It certainly works with a wired connection.

The other option would be to try wicd as this expressly gives an option to connect with wifi using a static ip.
Title: Re: Can you setup Wifi with a static ip address?
Post by: Trace on January 31, 2014, 02:55:01 AM
Thanks for the suggestions but I've been put off by the amount of time some users are having to put in with this distro .... that comment earlier in the thread about 2 weeks of studying before even attempting to connect with wpa is just ridiculous IMO.

I'll maybe have another go in a few days but I need a break from this just now.

If I get it to work I'll definitely detail how it happened to help others as much as possible not just "hint at it".
Title: Can you setup Wifi with a static ip address?
Post by: coreplayer2 on January 31, 2014, 04:32:49 AM
I understand learning can be frustrating, am sure you'll find the tinycore wiki a great source of information, especially http://wiki.tinycorelinux.net/wiki:setting_up_wifi (http://wiki.tinycorelinux.net/wiki:setting_up_wifi)

However, as per post #4.
For internal usage this command will set a static IP address

sudo ifconfig wlan0 192.168.x.xxx
Verify using ifconfig

Alternatively as also suggested above you can set static ip using Control Panel > Network (set eth0/wlan0 parameters) > apply

One thing which must be apparent now is when you set a static ip you can not use wifi.sh simultaneously, it kinda defeats your efforts
Title: Re: Can you setup Wifi with a static ip address?
Post by: Juanito on January 31, 2014, 05:28:36 AM
..posting from tc-5.2 using wifi and a static ip address

My wifi hardware will only work with the broadcom wl driver and my wap is setup with wpa2 personal and does not broadcast the ssid:
Code: [Select]
$ sudo cp /mnt/sdb1/conf/wpa_juanito_configure.conf /etc/wpa_configure.conf
$ tce-load -i wl-modules-KERNEL wpa_supplicant
$ sudo wpa_supplicant -B -i eth1 -c/etc/wpa_configure.conf
[enter data into cpanel network gui as per attached screenshot and click on "apply"]
$ ping -c2 google.com
PING google.com ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from seq=0 ttl=45 time=199.129 ms
64 bytes from seq=1 ttl=45 time=283.141 ms

$ avahi-resolve -n boxdell.local
boxdell.local[the static ip address]

As an aside, my router will both serve dhcp addresses and accept static ip addresses - to make this connection, I did not turn off dhcp on the router - could you do the same thing - i.e. connect with a static ip address on the x-boxes and dhcp for other connections?
Title: Re: Can you setup Wifi with a static ip address?
Post by: coreplayer2 on January 31, 2014, 05:33:32 AM
lol I just did the same thing, Juanita you beat me posting it...   8)

Title: Re: Can you setup Wifi with a static ip address?
Post by: Trace on February 04, 2014, 01:28:44 PM
Yes, most of that I'd done already .... could associate and set static ip but for some reason could not connect properly.

I was just getting frustrated after spending so much time trying ... it's probably something really simple that I'm doing wrong

Thanks for posting a working setup .... I'll have another go when I've got some time free and let you know how it goes ... :)
Title: Re: Can you setup Wifi with a static ip address?
Post by: gerald_clark on February 04, 2014, 01:38:08 PM
What do you mean by "could not connect"?
Did you setup your default gateway?
Did you define your nameservers?
Title: Re: Can you setup Wifi with a static ip address?
Post by: gerald_clark on February 05, 2014, 08:39:16 AM
Don't hijack threads. Your problem is not the same.  you don't even have the same hardware.