Well I won't start bashing here too much... but you didn't really expect a Java Runtime with 100 MB and a browser with at least 80 MB footprint to fit into 64 MB of RAM just by using a small OS, did you? ;-)
I was feeling lucky since I'd had successfully squeezed blood from a turnip earlier that morning

Was really just surprised that it took the same amount of resources as big, fat Windows.
Can't say much about your other problems, because you're quite unprecise - is it a .jar file? How do you start it? Is it a webstart file? Tomcat app? You need to provide at least "some" log messages to help you out. I doubt you'll find someone in here, who knows Cisco products by heart because FOSS and Cisco tend to be mutually exclusive. However, good luck!
I wasn't really looking for help here. Hell, Cisco can't even figure out why their java apps won't start sometimes.
I was really just thanking whomever it was that took the time to update the package and putting info out there for someone who may be doing similar tasks.