Off-Topic > Starter Packs

Network Starter Pack

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Please stay on topic sakis-3g has nothing to do with the discussion of the network starter pack.


--- Quote from: curaga on June 14, 2011, 05:29:11 AM ---@Robert

Is network.gz the right place for If the starter packs are only meant to be used on the initial setup, the script would be nowhere to be seen after transitioning to proper extensions.

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I will package it into a proper extension.

wifi.tcz extension posted.

i tried the network starter pack on my HP nc6000 (ath chip)
i clicked on the wifi icon which scanned and found my wep netgear router and others
tried to insert the wep info which failed
now when i use the icon it does nothing (as if it is ignoring the previously found stuff

this happens each time I boot
is what runs the icon?

regards Nigel


--- Quote from: nogg321 on June 22, 2011, 04:14:39 PM ---is what runs the icon?

--- End quote ---
YEP, clicking the 'Wifi' icon essentially executes 'sudo' (in a 'xterm').

Now, as you might be aware you can get debugging information from shell scripts by using the '-vx' options of the shell. So you could use
    sudo sh -vx $( which ) 2> wifi-dbg.log
and analyze the resulting log-file yourself (provided you have the skills to make sense out of it) or attach it here so that Robert (and/or others) can take a look at it.

PS: It might be worth splitting this off as a separate thread.


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