Off-Topic > Starter Packs

Network Starter Pack

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The goal for starter packs is basically one time use and not a kludge replacement for proper maintainable extensions.

For example installing. Hopefully your are not installing your system often.
But when you want to install, you load a starter. It loads to ram. You perform the install. Reboot.
The starter pack is no longer needed and not taking any ram resources.

I am hoping the same will be true for the network starter pack. My goal is build a knowledge base, based on prior community experience, and distill out only what the user needs to achieve a working net/wifi. I have already begun on this adventure.  Developing....

I used the network starterpak on two notebooks recently,  the installation on the newer model was successful whilst  the older notebook was not anywhere near as successful do the the lack of wireless drivers, although the starterpack did help with the wired network which allowed download of Ndiswrapper extension.

I am just getting started to look at this starter pack. I have a nearly complete 'ab' style wifi tool.

At least with v3.7 and network starter pack you can now directly access the ndiswrapper device driver from XP.

Scenario. Windows XP with working wifi. Tiny Core boot with no network.
From Windows download network.gz starter pack.
Boot Tiny Core v3.7. Use mount tool to mount Windows drive( typically hda1).
Use Control Panel to navigate to and load Starter Pack, network.gz, from Windows.

Open xterm, become root.
$ sudo -s
# ndiswrapper -i /mnt/hda1/Documents\ and\ Settings/user/My\ Documents/Downloads/ma111sw_driver_v1.1/winXp/NETMA111.INF
# modprobe ndiswrapper

Select AP from list, enter password if required.

( coming soon).


--- Quote from: roberts on June 06, 2011, 10:36:43 PM ---
Select AP from list, enter password if required.

( coming soon).

--- End quote ---

Is WPA/WPA2 supported?

WEP completed, WPA/WPA2 in process.


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