Hm, guess I should have made one point clear from the start. Mine wasn't a "support question" or "how to do x or z in tinycore". Maybe I should have posted it under a different category but couldn't find a "feature requests" one. If I misplaced the message, I apologize. In any case I seem to have wasted your time because of this misunderstanding.
The fact is I know all these hacks, and none of them is a proper solution for my requirements, which I dare say, are not so specific to my case, hence the idea to post to the forums.
1) it's not the point that I can modify tc-functions to do what I want, already did that, the point of my post was to make a feature proposal. So anyone please stop with the mirrors thing.
2) tce-update update $(realpath myext.tcz) DOESN'T actually work, it updates all extensions (the parameter is the tce location not a file). This usage is undocumented anyway and it's operation is SLOW; so for the 3rd time, that's not what I was after.
3) "'m not sure a new switch is the best way to achieve that" -- what then?
The point of -r is to say "require" just like php's or Lua's require() function, which loads a module if not already loaded or raises an exception. It allows your script to automatically load extensions it depends on to run, and fail if they could not otherwise be satisfied. I'm running out of ways to rephrase this

The point of loading from a URL is so you can easily host extensions yourself and allow people to download and install them with a simple command. All package managers under the sun allow this, why all the fuss about it?