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Author Topic: wine issue; Setup_Moorhuhn_Winter_GER-dm.exe dont start  (Read 1971 times)

Offline floppy

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wine issue; Setup_Moorhuhn_Winter_GER-dm.exe dont start
« on: May 25, 2011, 07:24:36 AM »
I try to start an exe with wine (my first try at all with wine).
After few errors, I had to install gecko manually (thanks help in this forum).
Errors are still coming.
Here are they: http://imagebin.org/155019.  
Has anybody any Idea what should be done in order to start this programm?
Im a bit lost.
You can load this free game from the internet: "Moorhuhn winter edition".
Wine in Ubuntu 10.04 has the same problem..
I contacted the winehq.. let see if they answer.
« Last Edit: May 26, 2011, 02:35:09 PM by floppy »
AMD K6-IIIATZ 550MHz MB DFI K6xv3/+66
P4 HP DC7100 3GB 3GHz
Samsung NC10 boot from SD card port (via USB reader)
.. all TinyCore proofed