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Author Topic: pyload extension  (Read 4824 times)

Offline treblade

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pyload extension
« on: May 23, 2011, 04:02:48 AM »
can anyone please make a pyload extension? http://pyload.org/de:start

Offline Juanito

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Re: pyload extension
« Reply #1 on: May 23, 2011, 10:01:36 AM »
As far as I can see, this is a self-contained package.

You download pyload-src-v0.4.5.zip, unzip it somewhere, cd to /somewhere/pyload and "python pyLoadCore.py"

You'll need the pycurl and pycrypto extensions and optionally pyqt to use the gui

Offline treblade

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Re: pyload extension
« Reply #2 on: May 24, 2011, 07:02:06 AM »
Thats all? Ok And how i can make a autostart ?

Offline Juanito

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Re: pyload extension
« Reply #3 on: May 24, 2011, 07:06:25 AM »
It could eventually be made into an extension (always supposing  the license allows for this), but I'd suggest you try it out first..

Offline garrulo74

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Re: pyload extension
« Reply #4 on: September 05, 2011, 05:55:28 PM »
Tried the src version of pyload in tinycore with no luck. Test with python 2.5, 2.6 and plain python.tcz ( 2.7 version  i think) . of course all depencies are installed.
However i tested same source under windows and runs fine.
So i bump this topic and hope you can make a pyload module.
It is a lightweight download manager which fits perfectly with tiny core.
Sorry for my poor english.
greetings from Spain!!!!

Offline maro

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Re: pyload extension
« Reply #5 on: September 07, 2011, 08:23:56 PM »
First up I will not claim to know how to use this application as I can manage the vast majority of my downloads with just the plain "wget" tool. So I'm not sure whether what I've found still applies when this application is actually used.

There seems to have been a change in the code between v0.4.5 and the most recent v0.4.7 that renders the Qt GUI unusable (e.g. see class 'ConnectionManager' in file 'module/gui/ConnectionManager.py'). I take it the web interface in now the preferred GUI instead.

So all I had to do was (as Juanito had essentially already written in reply #1):
    tce-load -wi pycurl ; tar xf unzip pyload-src-v0.4.7.zip ; cd pyload
I then had to run python pyLoadCore.py twice as the first time was just to configure the application (where in my little test I always accepted the defaults, apart from the question of the password, where I choose '1111' to make things as easy as possible).

With the background process now running I installed a browser and connected to the web interface e.g. via:
    tce-load -wi opera9 ; opera http://localhost:8000
(please note the use of the appropriate port, e.g. the default value of 8000). After entering the credentials (as specified during the set up run, e.g. for the default user called 'User') I was able to see what I believe is the web interface of this application.

I like to think this is now more then enough detail for anyone to try again.

EDIT: correction of a minor typo at browser extension name
« Last Edit: September 08, 2011, 08:19:01 AM by maro »

Offline garrulo74

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Re: pyload extension
« Reply #6 on: September 08, 2011, 06:32:51 AM »
Tried your instructions and get same results.
Here is cap of the error I get:

First start to run configuration assist goes well but the  second one to run itself fails.
Using fresh tinycore 3.8.4 installation and only apliying the commands you post  :'(  :'(
Googling I found answers relating this error  to bad/incomplete python implementations.  :o
Maybe you are using another version of python or pycurl/curl?
Thank you

Offline maro

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Re: pyload extension
« Reply #7 on: September 08, 2011, 08:30:24 AM »
For a moment I thought it might be due to the use of the non-default language, but I've now re-tried this aspect of it it that does not lead to the reported failure at my end.

I've just done one more test in "cloud mode" to be sure that I'm using the absolute latest extensions, and again all is fine. So I can only suggest you try to minimise side effects from any other extensions by using boot codes 'base norestore' (which prevents the loading of any extensions and restoration from backup at boot time).

If that does not allow you to get the backend (i.e. 'pyLoadCore.py') to run without crashing I will have to admit defeat because I can't work out what else could be different between our two systems.

Offline garrulo74

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Re: pyload extension
« Reply #8 on: September 09, 2011, 05:03:18 PM »
No way. tried everithing and no luck.
Even running tiny core in Qemu in anoter PC to find out if there is some hard proble.
Nothing works and still getting same error.

 :'( :'( :'( :'(
Error seems to be on python but Why it works for you and not for me?
Its  strange.
« Last Edit: September 09, 2011, 05:08:32 PM by garrulo74 »

Offline maro

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Re: pyload extension
« Reply #9 on: September 09, 2011, 08:07:02 PM »
I'm at the end of my ability to help. I've now tested this way too often, and I NEVER had your reported issues.

My final advice would be to completely start from scratch (which is what you might have already done). By this I mean: booting TC from a CD-ROM (or ISO image) and download ALL extensions and the pyLoad source archive once more. For the purpose of documenting what has been for me a "winning combination" here are all the MD5 checksums of all the pieces of software I had involved in my testing:
Code: [Select]
88e0e32374b16094275288826a664700  Xorg-7.5-lib.tcz
da99aa4464e2aff5c276ce3ba14797dc  bzip2-lib.tcz
9eabcd171b51f8edc739ff1c7399f7bd  curl.tcz
9bf779a60d8d8cd9b73122f54a40c5b6  expat2.tcz
823d79c37f85bef555a1659356cd9787  fontconfig.tcz
ebce26547bb4e22b109e5552443d18b7  libxft.tcz
453e8278a4b415ace8c08f0ace9ad2ab  openssl-0.9.8.tcz
b61620b9bd4138714fe214f0751b3da6  opera9.tcz
29d3181d1f78ac30953505b692ab660a  pycurl.tcz
8fe5ec91e939038db79f2eed72e84487  python.tcz
8924874f5c2805a81c3c646712d6421f  sqlite3.tcz
052da0eedb3a8900c576609150f2004a  tcl.tcz
bf1dc9ba346437a8f52d872f825e1e58  tk.tcz
488e5ba1a6fbeb9beaf13d0b608bf8ab  pyload-src-v0.4.7.zip

In the interest of "full disclosure" I need to state that all this was run on a TC v3.8.3 system (but I'm certain any recent version would behave the same way). I'm also providing a log of the first two runs of 'python pyLoadCore.py'.

And I'll promise that this will be my FINAL word about this matter (as I'm now feeling a bit "sick and tired" about it).