General TC > Tiny Core Netbooks
screeny of my new setup
--- Quote from: vinnie on May 02, 2011, 07:00:37 AM ---in theory, the tilling is to maximize the proportion of screen used, i wrong?
--- End quote ---
I can't understand what that means ???
got the new screen shot up : )
@tinypoodle - I think what vinnie was just trying to say that in theory, tiling window managers are designed to make sure you get to use all of your screen. No matter how many windows you open, all of your screen will be used. With other WMs, you most likely are wasting _some_ space (unless you are constantly resizing windows or keeping them all maximized and just tabbing through them)
anywho, open to suggestions! :D
apche, agreed to become my official translator? ;D
Apropos, very great desktop :o
@ Vinnie :D well thank you very much.
Taking this conversation further, I would have really liked to get xmonad in the TC repos and recently found out that they do have a flat file config version which does not require GHC 8) I also found out that if you have a machine that does have GHC installed you can compile the .hs file on that machine and just copy the executable over to TC so that will probably be my first contribution to the community ;)
Wow, nice! Thanx for showing us this excellent setup! I didn't even know about tiling WM's until just now. I understood the concept long ago of course, but I haven't seen it as a WM. Or not thought about it if I did see it.
So! Time to say good-bye to that windows crap!
Ok then, what should I start with? Should I just get i3 or get that Qtile as shown by vinnie?
I'm no Python programmer though, I pretty much only use C++.
My current goal is to just make a very simple OS for C++ programming. With just a light browser for research and reading.
I'm just transitioning into Linux for real now, and have just used Puppy Linux for fun. And there are pretty fun Puppy distros. But that's all to Puppy, I think.
TinyCore is the future of small powerful distros.
So, I will be setting up a proper C/C++ programming environment in Linux for the first time as well. Good-bye to IDE's as well!
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