General TC > Tiny Core Netbooks

screeny of my new setup

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Hi TransitioningProgrammer
Welcome to the forum. In case you have not seen it mentioned yet, when you go to install a compiler, install
the  compiletc.tcz  extension. This way you'll have a proper toolchain for compiling on Tinycore.

Thnk you so much Rich! I will try that compiletc.tcz.

Hmm, I will create my own very basic development environment from the Micro Core, and then publish it here on the forum, with a tutorial of how to set up such an environment from scratch.
And then invite others to contribute to building a better and better resource for this purpose, but no specific programming distro will have to be published. Just making the process easier should be enough for most programmers.

By the way: yesterday I made my first Frankenstein distro from TC Plus! And it's alive! And for me at least, it's better than TC Plus. But this time I will work from scratch!

Edit again:
And wouldn't it be better to have a sub-community for Micro Core, where we only build from the Micro Core? You know, where all the hard-Core stuff takes place! ^^ We could call it the Hard Core Development Effort, or something.
I know we have the Micro Core sub-forum, but people are just discussing the Micro Core itself there.
So what you say?
Anyone want to have a HCDE going on here?

Ahhh... I'm getting cognitive orgasms when I'm thinking about tiled windows managers. XD
I come back here to look at your stimulating setup... ^^

I'm finally getting to work now on my own Micro Core with i3, like in your set up. So could you perhaps share a bit more details? Like scripts for i3...

I will just make the most basic system, with i3 for a nice tiled window manager. It will look so nice on my extracted laptop display (which is also connected to it's original laptop). With "extracted" I mean that I removed just the display, and made an extended cable for it.
It sits on top of my main display, it's really nice...


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