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Author Topic: (solved) USB card reader show errors during boot or connecting  (Read 6568 times)

Offline floppy

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Minor issue.
I connect an USB card reader (with a SD card it on not) to my pc. The USB card reader is connected to an USB hub (with separate voltage alimentation) which is itself connected to an USB 2.0 PCI.
I boot the PC.
message during boot (right after starting udev daemon for hotplug support): sd 3:0:0:0 [sbd] assuming drive cache: write through
dmesg show:
generic-usb: probe of 0003:058F:6364.0001 failed with error -22  and the message during boot.
so, when I will show my pc to my neighbour (big nice looking blond german girl in her 40'), it would be good if it looks clean and free of flaws.. (just in order to looks professional during the demonstration for keeping an outstanding relation with this unique piece of beauty).
The question: how to erase these errors from the screen and from the dmesg.log?
« Last Edit: May 16, 2011, 12:47:31 PM by floppy »
AMD K6-IIIATZ 550MHz MB DFI K6xv3/+66
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Offline curaga

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Re: USB card reader show errors during boot or connecting
« Reply #1 on: April 25, 2011, 11:01:15 AM »
Looks like you don't have "quiet" in the bootcodes.
The only barriers that can stop you are the ones you create yourself.

Offline floppy

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Re: USB card reader show errors during boot or connecting
« Reply #2 on: April 25, 2011, 11:37:36 AM »
Looks like you don't have "quiet" in the bootcodes.
quiet was in place
AMD K6-IIIATZ 550MHz MB DFI K6xv3/+66
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Offline gerald_clark

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Re: USB card reader show errors during boot or connecting
« Reply #3 on: April 25, 2011, 12:13:07 PM »
Your original post is confusing.
You are booting with a USB SD card reader with NO card in it?
If that is the case, remove it or put in a card.

Offline curaga

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Re: USB card reader show errors during boot or connecting
« Reply #4 on: April 25, 2011, 01:45:45 PM »
Are you sure quiet is registering properly (showbootcodes)? Because I think those usb messages are not shown on the quiet level.

If it is, then you can replace "quiet" with "loglevel=2", one level lower (quiet is 3, IIRC).
The only barriers that can stop you are the ones you create yourself.

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Re: USB card reader show errors during boot or connecting
« Reply #5 on: April 25, 2011, 01:57:50 PM »
I was probably not very clear..
I am booting from HDD and the card-reader is connected to the PC at boot time (with a SD card in it, the card is recognized as memory storage); if a card

- is present at boot time, message during boot (right after starting udev daemon for hotplug support): sd 3:0:0:0 [sbd] assuming drive cache: write through and dmesg show
... generic-usb: probe of 0003:058F:6364.0001 failed with error -22  and the message during boot...

- is not present at boot time, only error in dmesg "generic-usb: probe of 0003:058F:6364.0001 failed with error -22  and the message during boot".

My experience is that "error" should be eliminated (or at least understood) because side effects could appear.
I think this error is minor, but who knows..

I will try later loglevel=2.
AMD K6-IIIATZ 550MHz MB DFI K6xv3/+66
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Samsung NC10 boot from SD card port (via USB reader)
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Offline maro

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Re: USB card reader show errors during boot or connecting
« Reply #6 on: April 26, 2011, 12:20:31 AM »
After I started to use a USB pendrive to boot TC I've also noted the "... Assuming drive cache: write through" kernel message showing up during the boot process and triggered by this thread I did a bit of digging around:

(1) This message can also be seen when booting TC from a CD-ROM with any USB storage attached. It did not matter whether I used an USB pendrive or an USB hard disk and also the presence or absence of a 'tce' directory did not make any difference: the message was always showing up (and can more easily be seen when using the 'pause' boot code). I even went as far as using a FC14 live boot CD-ROM and found the same (when replacing the boot codes 'quiet rhgb rd_NO_LUKS rd_NO_MD rd_NO_DM' with 'quiet 3').

(2) The message seems to be generated by the following line of the kernel (in function 'sd_read_cache_type()' found in 'drivers/scsi/sd.c'):
Code: [Select]
sd_printk(KERN_ERR, sdkp, "Assuming drive cache: write through\n");
And it seems that due to the fact that 'KERN_ERR' is loglevel 3 the printing to the console can be suppressed with the 'loglevel=N' boot code (with N <= 3). Nevertheless the messages will be included in the 'dmesg' output.

(3) Whilst I personally think that using a default branch in said function should not lead to a 'KERN_ERR' message (but rather a 'KERN_NOTICE' one) I'd like to assume that the kernel developers have made this choice for a reason. Nevertheless due to the open source nature of the kernel one could implement such a change and compile ones own kernel.

(4) The other message is probably more "real": I did a bit of a google search with the (assumed) device ID (i.e. 058F:6364) and could not quite work out whether this bug report is related to your issue. In any case it seems to involve a certain flash card reader, so you might want to do some tests (e.g. disconnect the device) to find out to which degree you are really affected. Also a closer study of the "dmesg neighbourhood" of that message might provide some hint.

Offline llondel

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Re: USB card reader show errors during boot or connecting
« Reply #7 on: April 26, 2011, 10:43:32 AM »
I've seen these errors on USB storage devices as well. I assumed it was just an artifact of the 486sx environment and hardware and as it wasn't relevant to me and didn't stop anything else working, I ignored them. I only used the USB memory stick at boot time.

From memory, it appeared to fail to talk to the device using a couple of different packet lengths at high speed then full speed, and would then do some sort of bus reset after a timeout and the storage device would appear OK after that.

It would occasionally fail to boot, presumably going through the same process, before eventually timing out and working, hence me assuming it was the system hardware/firmware and not Linux.

Now I'm using CF cards and apart from throwing up an error during boot about ide2, it's fine. That's how I 'fixed' my USB problem, I just stopped using it.


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Re: USB card reader show errors during boot or connecting
« Reply #8 on: May 05, 2011, 06:21:28 PM »

I don't have such a device but wonders if a bootcode might help?


tinycore waitusb=5

Offline floppy

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Re: USB card reader show errors during boot or connecting
« Reply #9 on: May 16, 2011, 12:47:05 PM »
Are you sure quiet is registering properly (showbootcodes)? Because I think those usb messages are not shown on the quiet level.

If it is, then you can replace "quiet" with "loglevel=2", one level lower (quiet is 3, IIRC).
"loglevel=2" and this gone from the screen (in dmesg, but this is ok). Thanks.
waitusb did not make it disappear. Thanks to all.
AMD K6-IIIATZ 550MHz MB DFI K6xv3/+66
P4 HP DC7100 3GB 3GHz
Samsung NC10 boot from SD card port (via USB reader)
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