Hello Tiny Core Users
I am also a fan of FreeBSD, because of the "Port Collection".
Could the port collection be some tips/tricks tool to make tiny core extensions.
You can first visit there site to search for your program/server and see what
dependencies there are for the program/server.
https://www.freebsd.org/ports/You can also sneak into there Makefile to see how to compile and install.
Could this be something for tinycore to "copy", the way of making extensions.
To make more public, the collection of building scrips.
Now there are some of the extensions that have there own building scripts.
Have seen curl and some another.
I love this text from the FreeBSD site:
Each port's Makefile automatically fetches the application source code, either from a local disk, CD-ROM or via ftp, unpacks it on your system, applies the patches, and compiles. If all went well, a simple make install will install the application and register it with the package system.
Just a thought to make it little easier.