Hi. As some of you know I had some serious problems connecting to network with TinyCore,
http://forum.tinycorelinux.net/index.php?topic=8893.0. The issue is now resolved so it is time to move on with an installation to hard drive. Of course I am having some issues already

Hard drive setup -
hda : Appr. 1.3Gb, 5400rpm
hdb : Appr. 30Gb, 7200rpm
I would like to do the following -
1. Install TinyCore 3.5 to hdb instead of hda - Faster
2. Use Ext4 instead of Ext3 - Faster (I believe)
3. Grub2 - Might be able to circumvent BIOS limitations. Not absolutely necessary.
The problem is that BIOS doesn't seem to accept hard drives bigger than 1.3Gb as boot drives. Believe me, I tried! A lot! I have tried 16Gb and 30Gb drives. And yes, I tried placing the bigger disks as master on the bus and setting the jumpers correctly. I tried playing around with the settings in BIOS a.s.o. The BIOS doesn't like them no matter what!
In Puppy and Debian/Ubuntu have been able to find working solutions to the booting problem just mentioned,
Puppy - Grub on MBR of hda, small partition on hda (hda1) with "grub files", the rest on hdb (hdb1: Puppy, MAXIMUM 1.3Gb size (else error), hdb2: data, hdb3: swap)
Debian/Ubuntu - Grub on MBR of hda, small partition on hda (hda1) with /boot, the rest on hdb (hdb1: /boot, ARBITRARY size, hdb2: /home, hdb3: swap)
Tricking the BIOS to boot into hda and then redirecting to hdb actually improves boot times and more importantly makes the system notably snappier when running. I would like to do the same with TinyCore. I would also like to use Ext4 because I believe I have read that it is faster than Ext2/Ext3 on average, which can only do good on a Pentium 1. Finally, I do not know if it will help any or not, but I have read that Grub2 has some drivers built in which might be good when having an old and buggy BIOS. So it might be a good idea to install Grub2 as well.
This is what I have done so far. I have been following the instructions here,
http://www.tinycorelinux.com/install.html, which is nothing complicated at all. Yes, it works. The problem is that it doesn't do what I want it to do. I know for you guys the instructions are pretty easy to modify to your likings, but I haven't been successful so far. The biggest problem (I believe) is how to handle the grub files and how to set up grub.
The partitioning scheme I intend to use is,
hda1 : 50Mb, boot partition for TinyCore. I believe it is needed.
hda2 : Rest, not used / data
hdb1 : 200Mb, system partition for TinyCore
hdb2 : Rest, data
hdb3 : 500Mb, swap
Can anybody help me out here? This is not a very hard problem for a lot of you guys.