General TC > Tiny Core Netbooks

Acer Aspire One with AMD C50 - no internet connection or audio available

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Looks like the wired support for that went in to .37.

I'd give the wl extension a go first and if that doesn't work, there's a good chance that a working windows driver (inf and sys file) would work with ndiswrapper.

I did some further investigation. Read the following from the broadcom site:

I believe that this is the solution but not sure if I have the skill set to actually do it. Sure, I can follow what they say but I doubt I would be able to assess any issues that may arise after. I will search the forum for some additional methodologies as well.

I read that somewhere as well. Which makes me think I should just wait for the next build and just live with Windows in the mean time. Does anyone know when the next TC build is?


1) Wireless issue has been resolved.

I re-read your earlier post and I mis-understood what you meant about the wl module. Anyway, I loaded the wl and wifi-radar extensions and everything works. The card is recognized, put in my WEP key and now have access to the internet.

BTW, when I configure my WEP key via the configuration menu in Wifi Radar I lose this on shutdown. I tried looking for a configure file to add it to the backup/restore file but can't find it. Do you know if there is a configure file? If so, where?

2) Still do not have wired access with my atheros card.
Will tackle this issue next but for now I'm just enjoying the fact that I have wireless!


I just use a couple of iwconfig commands in


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