General TC > Tiny Core Netbooks

Acer Aspire One with AMD C50 - no internet connection or audio available

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I was thinking of something like that but then again I don't want any wireless starting up at boot. I prefer to have the applications I require installed on an "as needed basis". I guess I can just create a text file with the WEP key and just copy and paste when asked for the key. I just assumed that there would be a Wifi Radar config file somewhere that kept the information for each access point once they were set. Perhaps there is and I just can't find it...


FYI: I found the Wifi-Radar config file. If anyone is interested it is located here:


This was from the extension Info page within AppBrowser.

I just added this to .filetool.lst and it works. No need to reenter the WEP key at next connect


--- Quote from: rizzim3 on March 08, 2011, 04:41:52 PM ---BTW, when I configure my WEP key via the configuration menu in Wifi Radar I lose this on shutdown. I tried looking for a configure file to add it to the backup/restore file but can't find it. Do you know if there is a configure file? If so, where?

--- End quote ---

I don't use wifi radar, I just run a small script with all the required details when I need to connect using wifi:
--- Code: ---#!/bin/sh -e
tce-load -i /mnt/sda1/tce/optional/wl.tcz
tce-load -i /mnt/sda1/tce/optional/wireless_tools.tcz
sudo modprobe lib80211_crypt_tkip
sudo modprobe lib80211_crypt_wep
sudo modprobe lib80211_crypt_ccmp
sleep 5
sudo iwconfig eth1 essid "ssid"
sudo iwconfig eth1 key restricted 12:34:56:78:9A:BC:DE:F0:12:34:56:78:9A

sudo udhcpc -b -i eth1
--- End code ---

So, just run the script when required. I like that! Sounds much better then using my current method.

Quick question:
Why do you include the modprobe commands? Just asking because when I used the wl extension I did not need to do any of this. Is this required for your wireless card?


The script is quite old - the modprobe commands used to be required, but quite possibly they are no longer required - I never got around to checking  :)


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