well I started by mounting my share as I normally would, ie as you say creating a directory
mkdir -p /mnt/server/share
then mounting the share itself
// /mnt/server/share -t cifs -o username=me,password=secret
which then mounted the share (with filesystems.tcz installed )
I then opened fluff from the bar and navigated to /mnt/server by clicking with a mouse, when I double click /mnt/server/share item, it brings up an editor box as a file called share which is read only. it shoould be noted that it has changed from bold to normal and the dir status is missing.
i opened a terminal and "ls -l /mnt/server/share/" and all is fine, so I installed xfe (used in dsl days) and all is fine there too.
I looked thru the fluff config file and spotted that a dir is associated with explore so I went to the run dialog and typed "fluff /mnt/server/share" which gave me a full listing but read only.
the mkdiir and mount script is now in bootlocal <edit> by writing the relevent line to fstab then mounting
bear in mind with the below pix that some of the names and passwords have been changed to protect the innocent