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Author Topic: (solved) issue since install Xorg7-5: webbrows LINKS menus not access with mouse  (Read 2084 times)

Offline floppy

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I am installing different TCE for trying making skype running on my PC (still working on it).
As per advise from the member "frimical" in this forum, I installed on boot,

Xorg-7.5; and all TCEs indicated in the text in the app browser info file.
Then after installation, and reboot,
the access in the webbrowser "links" is nomore possible with the mouse. I have to work with the "return" keys for going into the "links" entries.
I installed "gpm", but no effect.

Questions: has somebody any Idea what happens here? has "links" issues with Xorg7.5?


The grafic card is a matrox Millenium G400 SH 16MB AG, AGP 2x, Directx 6.0 spec.
The mouse a ps/2.
see the xorg file in the attachment.

solution: I goes to Xorg7.4. lINKS works fine there. No solution found with Xorg7.5 and links running...
« Last Edit: May 21, 2011, 06:20:14 PM by floppy »
AMD K6-IIIATZ 550MHz MB DFI K6xv3/+66
P4 HP DC7100 3GB 3GHz
Samsung NC10 boot from SD card port (via USB reader)
.. all TinyCore proofed