Hi I tried running X11VNC with the -dk command and the debug output shows that the lowercase keys g-z are being received by X11VNC on the TC machine but they do not seem to get sent to the TC windows programs.
Debug output for pressing letter m which does not get displayed in the VNC window:
16/02/2011 21:32:51 modifier_tweak_keyboard: down keysym=0x6d
16/02/2011 21:32:51 tweak_mod: Start: down=1 index=2 mod_state=0x0 is_shift=0
16/02/2011 21:32:51 XTestFakeKeyEvent(dpy, keycode=0x6c "Mode_switch", down)
16/02/2011 21:32:51 calling XTestFakeKeyEvent(108, 1) 720.9325
16/02/2011 21:32:51 tweak_mod: Finish: down=1 index=2 mod_state=0x0 is_shift=0
16/02/2011 21:32:51 modifier_tweak_keyboard: KeySym 0x6d "m" -> KeyCode 0x3a
16/02/2011 21:32:51 XTestFakeKeyEvent(dpy, keycode=0x3a "m", down)
16/02/2011 21:32:51 calling XTestFakeKeyEvent(58, 1) 720.9326
16/02/2011 21:32:51 tweak_mod: Start: down=0 index=2 mod_state=0x0 is_shift=0
16/02/2011 21:32:51 XTestFakeKeyEvent(dpy, keycode=0x6c "Mode_switch", up)
16/02/2011 21:32:51 calling XTestFakeKeyEvent(108, 0) 720.9327
16/02/2011 21:32:51 tweak_mod: Finish: down=0 index=2 mod_state=0x0 is_shift=0
16/02/2011 21:32:51 # keyboard(up, 0x6d "m") uip=0 720.9720
16/02/2011 21:32:51 modifier_tweak_keyboard: up keysym=0x6d
16/02/2011 21:32:51 modifier_tweak_keyboard: KeySym 0x6d "m" -> KeyCode 0x3a
16/02/2011 21:32:51 XTestFakeKeyEvent(dpy, keycode=0x3a "m", up)
16/02/2011 21:32:51 calling XTestFakeKeyEvent(58, 0) 720.9722