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How are you running TC/MC?

From CD
11 (12.4%)
From USB stick
18 (20.2%)
Installed on HD
29 (32.6%)
Other, non virtual
4 (4.5%)
Virtual machine (VirtualBox)
9 (10.1%)
Virtual machine (VMvare)
2 (2.2%)
Virtual machine (Xen)
0 (0%)
Virtual machine (QEMU)
7 (7.9%)
Virtual machine (KVM)
3 (3.4%)
Virtual machine (other)
1 (1.1%)
5 (5.6%)

Total Members Voted: 47

Author Topic: TC usage mode  (Read 7982 times)

Offline tclfan

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Re: TC usage mode
« Reply #15 on: January 22, 2010, 12:29:49 PM »
In complete agreement with Bmarkus I just want to add that it takes to learn and understand TinyCore even to add extensions and start composing a useful system, often resorting to knowledge base and forum for solutions to issues arising on the way to useful system. This is wonderful and not diminishing the asset of being modular and flexible, but it is an obstacle to new users before the learning curve is complete and many just may just give up such idea before realizing it would not be too hard after all...

Offline thane

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Re: TC usage mode
« Reply #16 on: January 22, 2010, 02:50:20 PM »
Not sure that any Linux distro should try to be all things to all people. There are other distros (such as Puppy) that offer various sets of apps for direct burning to CD. I think people who try TCL want the extreme flexibility and customization features it offers and are willing to invest the time it takes to learn them.

I started using TCL because as a Windows user I belatedly realized that 95% of my home PC usage was for web surfing. I wanted to see if it was possible to get by with just a browser, and TCL was the perfect distro for finding that out. Of course it turned out to not be quite that simple ;D but I now use TCL pretty much exclusively at home.

Offline bmarkus

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Re: TC usage mode
« Reply #17 on: January 22, 2010, 03:06:44 PM »
OK, at least a WEB browser must be there by default.

Oh yes, network conenction is not easy, specially WIFI. Lets add WICD.

Hm... Battery last less than with WINDOWS. No problem, lets add CPU scaling, ACPI, ...

If we have already so many thing added, a lite desktop is not too much overhead. Look around, what do we have. Ops! LXDE look pretty, use it.

And now we are ready with the first custom version for newbies :) :) :)
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Offline bmarkus

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Re: TC usage mode
« Reply #18 on: January 22, 2010, 03:22:42 PM »

I need flash to watch YouTube. Movie is OK, but no sound. OK, ALSA will work fine.

What is the problem with the screen? Windows was much better. Try Xorg? Right, now it is visible.

Oh no. My God. Why the Hell I can not listen my music collection? Aha, too late now. Will look for a music player tomorrow or at the week end, hoping that no one will ask to watch a DVD :)
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Offline thane

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Re: TC usage mode
« Reply #19 on: January 22, 2010, 04:03:32 PM »
Which browser? I tried 3 or 4 before I settled on one. Tried OSS for sound, found out it didn't work right on my box, switched to ALSA. Have tried some different media players too, as well as pdf viewers. Not using Flash at the moment, may change my mind (again) later. Altogether it's about 100 possible combinations of apps, and I'm using a very minimal set.

Offline alu

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Re: TC usage mode
« Reply #20 on: January 23, 2010, 05:44:19 AM »
actually, as complete noob to linux, i started with small distros and with the will to have most of the apps CLI; imo that's the best way for new user to understand linux, and their own use of a computer; you can not just 'use' a linux system as you would do with a preinstalled windows; and i think that even 'flavors' would require at some point some effort from the end user in order for him to master the system; better to begin with this investment at start, and this is what tc/mc offer.

Offline Monobit.Fortrix

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Re: TC usage mode
« Reply #21 on: November 04, 2010, 03:13:50 AM »
hoping that no one will ask to watch a DVD :)

What's the problem to DVD? VLC does the thing. ;)

In fact, I'm running TC from the hard drive but making now just the thing discussed here - a TC-based "distribution for newbies". It would help us popularize TC technology itself.
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Offline newbody

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Re: TC usage mode
« Reply #22 on: February 05, 2011, 12:01:48 PM »
I checked these two

Installed on HD I have a frugal install on NTFS 250GB hdd. So not a full install which it usually means so therefor I also clicked the
Other, non virtual

To indicate it is not a full install.
Way back when I did join the forum I had TCe frugally installed on other computer Maybe the HP/Compaq or maybe AOpen shoebox barebone but this current one are very choosy so I did not managed to boot it and found out that the remastered one by SvOlli did work well for me.

I can accept that standard or regular TCE is not for everyone but why not make it a bit easier to set up for newcomers that are not that good at reading the info provided.

One don't even have to provide a ready made one.

What I needed was a simple step by step how to set it up in frugal install so I can chose what to include and then make it persistent and then when one are used to use it then one can go back to the "real" TCE and use it as you guys want one to use it.

The benefit is that one get use to love it and see the potentiality of how it is built and get motivated to learn all the details. Now it is too steep learning curve. I ahve not looked but suppose I joined a year ago. Say Jan or Feb 2010 or something.

I did put a lot of effort into it then and did have a working boot that had firefox going but no Flash for Youtube but I was not intelligent enough to get it TCE so I have been using Puppy Linux since then and have done some 25 different frugal installs of it and it very often just works and that is not what I can say of the big distros like Ubuntu and Mint and such big distros.

The exception is Knoppix 6.4.3 and now also 644 that is a very recent iso. These works as good as Puppy.

TCE has so great potential so it is sad that so few have the means to get how to set it up?
« Last Edit: February 05, 2011, 12:14:41 PM by newbody »
Acer D250, Snow Puppy, TinyCore and on HP SR5622, Snow Puppy,