Is this correct:
You boot TC Linux off of a CD?
Is it a plain (not remastered) version?
Is there a backup/restore (personal repository) defined at boot-time? Or do you specify that later?
Is there a TCE storage location defined at boot-time? Or do you use TCL in cloud mode?
Here is a list of steps Fluff does at startup...
1) Checks for FLTK-specific command-line options (can be used to force an app to use different colors, for example)
2) Checks for window-manager style settings in the file ~/.Xdefaults
3) Scans the defined user groups (/etc/group) and remember the group ID numbers and names
4) Scans the defined users (/etc/passwd) and remember the user ID numbers and names
5) Tries to open the Fluff config file (~/.fluff.conf) and if it exists, reads and remembers the settings inside {You should have removed this file so Fluff is forced to create a fresh one}
6) Tries to create the trashbin directory, which will be /tmp/trash unless the settings file defines a different location
7) Creates the graphical windows
8 ) Scans the file system from the system root (/) to the first shortcut location (/home/tc by default), collecting names of directories and files
9) Tries to determine the location of installed TCEs by reading the content of file /opt/.tce_dir. If that location is _not_ /tmp/tce, then the location has been defined by the user, so Fluff scans the filesystem from the root to this TCE directory location, collecting names of directories and files.
10) If the command-line for Fluff includes a start directory, scans the file system from the root to the specified path, otherwise uses the current working directory, collecting names of directories and files along the way
11) Initializes the inotify interface with the kernel, so Fluff may receive timely updates of filesystem changes
12) Displays the main window
13) Populates the tree-view and file list view sections of the the main window with the directory and file names found while doing the scanning in steps 8, 9, and 10
14) Sets the window title
15) Notes the root and default start path in the navigation history chooser drop-down widget
Maybe you can check these and see if there is anything about your environment that could cause a problem in Fluff. In particular, is your home /home/tc? What is the contents of /opt/.tce_dir? (run "cat /opt/.tce_dir"... what do you see?)
If you want, I could send you a version of Fluff that prints something to the terminal after each of these steps. Then we can see where it is crashing. If so, send your email via a private message. Thanks.