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Author Topic: question on how to update fluff  (Read 2552 times)

Offline beerstein

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question on how to update fluff
« on: January 26, 2011, 10:57:58 AM »
I hope somebody can help.

I think I switched from TC 3.4  to Tc 3.41. Now my FlieMgr (fluff) is not working.
When I click on the icon or when I start it from
/home/tce/.wmx/SystemTools or from apps menue I can hear something starts,
but I do not get the UI of fluff.

I copied FileMgr file over from another machine running TC 3.41 where fluff is working perfectly.
No result. I also chekcked the date of the fluff file in /usr/bin  and compared the files fluff_fc.sh in that folder.

BTW: I can not see Fluff in the repository? Where is that "thing" located anyway?
Can it be installed or de installed?

please help
t(w)o be(ers) or not t(w)o be(ers) that is the question

Offline MikeLockmoore

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Re: question on how to update fluff
« Reply #1 on: January 26, 2011, 04:39:27 PM »
Hi.  Sorry you are having trouble.  Fluff is part of TinyCore base, and is not packaged right now to be installed separately.  But I have hope we can fix your current installation.  :)

Here are a few things that may help us figure what is wrong and how to fix it:

1) Try launching Fluff from the commandline in a terminal session:

    $ fluff ~

Do you see any error statements?

2) Rename the fluff.conf file to something else and restart:

   $ cd ~
   $ mv .fluff.conf .fluff.conf.old
   $ fluff ~
Doing this will cause Fluff to recreate the configuration settings file.  If that works, your originial .conf file is probably not comptible with the newer version of Fluff.  If you had custom file associations with programs in the old .conf file, you will need to redo those, or edit the new .conf file (carefully!) with info from the old one.

Mike Lockmoore

Offline beerstein

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Re: question on how to update fluff
« Reply #2 on: January 27, 2011, 05:03:37 AM »
thank you for your quick response.
I will try that out.
BTW: The reason I want to fix fluff because I have on /tce folder with all my applications on several machines and I copy it over to other machines once in a while. The FM was not wirking on one machine the other day. Then I copied the whole /tce over to an new machine and booted TC 3.41 on this machine - and believe it or not here on this machine my Fluff was working - strange

I will keep you posted.
t(w)o be(ers) or not t(w)o be(ers) that is the question

Offline beerstein

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Re: question on how to update fluff
« Reply #3 on: January 28, 2011, 05:28:46 AM »
when I start from the command line I will get:
"segmentation error"

t(w)o be(ers) or not t(w)o be(ers) that is the question

Offline MikeLockmoore

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Re: question on how to update fluff
« Reply #4 on: January 29, 2011, 12:30:11 PM »
Beerstein: Just to be clear, did you try #2 yet?  Was a new .fluff.conf file created? (Probably not, if it crashed.)  Is there anything special about your TinyCore environment?  For example:

* Running a in a full ("scattered") installation?

* Unusual boot parameters?  Can you tell us your boot command line?

* Logging in as user different than "tc"?

* Running it on a different window manager?

* Extra file systems (external drives, USB memory sticks, NTFS disk partitions) mounted?

If you have already tried to start Fluff with no existing .fluff.conf, as I suggested in idea 2) before and are still getting segfaults, we could try to give you a special build of Fluff with extra diagnostic print statements.  You can PM if you want to work out the details of this.  I would appreciate your testing help if you can spare the time!
Mike L

Offline beerstein

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Re: question on how to update fluff
« Reply #5 on: January 30, 2011, 01:30:42 PM »
hi mike: thank you for your help.
I tried (2) and it crashed again and no new .fluff.conf was created.

the strange thing is, that the TC 3.4.1 on one of my other older PCs, which has an exact  copy of
that /tce does not crash the FM fluff?

What do you mean by" full scattered" installation?

I do not use any boot codes during start up from live CD?

When I log in as root and type $fluff I will get the segmentation error

I have only sda1 mounted, where /tc resides.

One interesting thing is, when I start Fluff the first time, after a new boot I can hear some hard drive
activity for a second or two. When I start fluff after that agin I do not hear nothing at all, but I get that "segmentation" error.

I looked at bootlocal.sh  and bootsync,sh  -- everything look goot to me her, exept there is
a & character at the very end of the file.  I could go back to that machine where fluff works fine, and try to compare files. Which ones do you recommend?

Thanks again
t(w)o be(ers) or not t(w)o be(ers) that is the question

Offline MikeLockmoore

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Re: question on how to update fluff
« Reply #6 on: January 31, 2011, 10:15:18 PM »

Is this correct:

You boot TC Linux off of a CD?
Is it a plain (not remastered) version?
Is there a backup/restore (personal repository) defined at boot-time?  Or do you specify that later?
Is there a TCE storage location defined at boot-time?  Or do you use TCL in cloud mode?

Here is a list of steps Fluff does at startup...

1) Checks for FLTK-specific command-line options (can be used to force an app to use different colors, for example)

2) Checks for window-manager style settings in the file ~/.Xdefaults

3) Scans the defined user groups (/etc/group) and remember the group ID numbers and names

4) Scans the defined users (/etc/passwd) and remember the user ID numbers and names

5) Tries to open the Fluff config file (~/.fluff.conf) and if it exists, reads and remembers the settings inside {You should have removed this file so Fluff is forced to create a fresh one}

6) Tries to create the trashbin directory, which will be /tmp/trash unless the settings file defines a different location

7) Creates the graphical windows

8 ) Scans the file system from the system root (/) to the first shortcut location (/home/tc by default), collecting names of directories and files

9) Tries to determine the location of installed TCEs by reading the content of file /opt/.tce_dir.  If that location is _not_ /tmp/tce, then the location has been defined by the user, so Fluff scans the filesystem from the root to this TCE directory location, collecting names of directories and files.

10) If the command-line for Fluff includes a start directory, scans the file system from the root to the specified path, otherwise uses the current working directory, collecting names of directories and files along the way

11) Initializes the inotify interface with the kernel, so Fluff may receive timely updates of filesystem changes

12) Displays the main window

13) Populates the tree-view and file list view sections of the the main window with the directory and file names found while doing the scanning in steps 8, 9, and 10

14) Sets the window title

15) Notes the root and default start path in the navigation history chooser drop-down widget

Maybe you can check these and see if there is anything about your environment that could cause a problem in Fluff.  In particular, is your home /home/tc?  What is the contents of /opt/.tce_dir? (run "cat /opt/.tce_dir"... what do you see?)

If you want, I could send you a version of Fluff that prints something to the terminal after each of these steps.  Then we can see where it is crashing. If so, send your email via a private message.  Thanks.

« Last Edit: January 31, 2011, 10:20:17 PM by MikeLockmoore »