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Author Topic: Result of autoscanning at boot could be used for using cheat codes?  (Read 1992 times)

Offline floppy

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TCL is quite quick booting on my machine.
I used the maximum of cheatcodes as decribed in the FAQ (so far i understood, giving cheatcodes avoid the machine to make autoscanning; this save time at booting).
But there are much more cheatcodes on the kernel.org internet page than on the TCL FAQ.
Question now: is there a method in order to know what would be the cheatcodes adapted to my machine? (I dont reconfigure it every month).
Perhaps: during autoscanning, the results of autoscanning are placed in a temporary file? could I reuse the results and transfer it to the cheatcodes?
The main reason of this question is that I dont understand all background of all cheatcodes; if the machine put into a file during boot "no acpi recognized = noacpi" then I can tranfer it very quick in "noacpi" as bootcode.
AMD K6-IIIATZ 550MHz MB DFI K6xv3/+66
P4 HP DC7100 3GB 3GHz
Samsung NC10 boot from SD card port (via USB reader)
.. all TinyCore proofed

Offline Rich

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Re: Result of autoscanning at boot could be used for using cheat codes?
« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2011, 02:42:28 AM »
Hi floppy
The purpose of cheat codes are to guide and in some cases overide the kernels default behaviour when
it is having problems booting with certain hardware configurations. If you give a cheat code that is not
appropiate for the hardware you are running you could slow it down or prevent it from booting. You
already state that the machine boots quickly and I assume it's running well, my advice would be don't
worry about cheat codes and enjoy using your computer. Having said that, be prepared to do a lot of
reading and searching on the internet. I use http://www.mjmwired.net/kernel/Documentation because
they have all the documentation online in an easy to navigate format. This will come in handy since some
of the codes refer to other documents to help to describe how they work. A boot code will only work if it
that option has been compiled into the kernel. Add the code "printk.time=1" when you boot. When the
desktop comes up open a terminal and type "dmesg > dmesg.txt", this will create a file called dmesg.txt
that contains the startup and probing of the hardware complete with timestamps. Look through it to find
IF the kernel mentions any codes and if it is probing for any non-existant hardware (isa, pcmcia, etc.).
You can also find which items take the longest. Now search through the cheat codes to find the one's that
apply to you and be sure to read any documentation mentioned.

Offline tinypoodle

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Re: Result of autoscanning at boot could be used for using cheat codes?
« Reply #2 on: January 30, 2011, 02:47:38 AM »
But there are much more cheatcodes on the kernel.org internet page than on the TCL FAQ.
Question now: is there a method in order to know what would be the cheatcodes adapted to my machine? (I dont reconfigure it every month).
Perhaps: during autoscanning, the results of autoscanning are placed in a temporary file? could I reuse the results and transfer it to the cheatcodes?
The main reason of this question is that I dont understand all background of all cheatcodes; if the machine put into a file during boot "no acpi recognized = noacpi" then I can tranfer it very quick in "noacpi" as bootcode.

The kernel parameters on kernel.org are just parameters to change the default behaviour of the kernel and could by no means be called "cheatcodes".

You could use the method described here to get most info:
"Software gets slower faster than hardware gets faster." Niklaus Wirth - A Plea for Lean Software (1995)