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Author Topic: filemgr crash FAT32  (Read 4179 times)

Offline tweetyhack

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filemgr crash FAT32
« on: January 28, 2011, 03:00:38 AM »
I was doing a job helping a user copy a file off an old WinME (FAT32) drive and the another FAT32 drive. I was able to go into /mnt/sda1/My Documents/ and see everything. I dragged this folder to a mounted ntfs folder /mnt/sdb1/old. In the middle of this copy operation, I received an error about it not being successful. I hit ok and it kept going. I received the message a second time. I hit ok and it finally finished.  Please provide more info in the error message, eg. exactly which folder/file was not successfully copied. That way, I can dig into it and manually copy it. Otherwise, it becomes a pain to figure out.

Later when I try to browse /mnt/sda1/My Documents/ after the copy operation, filemgr just closes(me thinks it crashes). Didn't try to troubleshoot, I was looking really bad in front of my user as is :( Both the crash and error message happened on both drives. Sorry for the lack of detain, the user was standing beside me.

Booted into a BartPE and finished the job.

It potentially may be a ntfs which I've had issues before. I figure FAT32 is pretty stable. Will check and update my ntfs as somebody had mentioned in another post.

Thanks all.

Offline tinypoodle

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Re: filemgr crash FAT32
« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2011, 04:04:27 AM »
Very generally speaking, empty spaces in paths might lead to unexpected results in combination with some software.
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Offline MikeLockmoore

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Re: filemgr crash FAT32
« Reply #2 on: January 28, 2011, 03:47:15 PM »
@ tweetyhack: Again, thanks for reporting.  I don't know if I can replicate your environment.  Maybe I can try to transfer between an NTFS hard drive and a FAT32 memory stick, or between two FAT32 memory sticks.  I'll see if I can do a few tests over this weekend.  Which version of Fluff were you using when it crashed?  If you can try again, lauch Fluff from a terminal window and see if there any extra messages before it segfaults/exits unexpectedly.
Mike Lockmoore

Offline tweetyhack

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Re: filemgr crash FAT32
« Reply #3 on: January 29, 2011, 12:09:19 AM »
I returned the drives to the user but I will see if I can locate some FAT32 drives and recreate for you. This may be impossible as most of my stuff is NTFS and EXT3/4.

Fluff is 0.6.0

Running TC3.4. pgraded to 3.4.1 yet. Will try to find a FAT32 drive(still have win98 cd so can reinstall) and test to see if it errors. Then will upgrade ntfs-3g and compare. Give me some time though :)

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Re: filemgr crash FAT32
« Reply #4 on: January 29, 2011, 12:34:06 AM »
@ tweetyhack: I understand.  Since I trust there is problem, hopefully it won't be too difficult to make it reappear with other FAT32 volumes.  ::)  At least, if we can make it reappear, we have a chance to fix it.  ;)

Fluff 0.6.0 is a bit old.  :-\  I'm at version 0.8.9 now, and version 0.8.6 I think is in TinyCore 3.4.1.  If you want the latest and can build it, the source code is at Retrospectiva: http://retrospectiva.krautsoft.de/projects/useful-lightweight-software/blog.  If you read this forum thread http://forum.tinycorelinux.net/index.php?topic=8253.0, you can see how the latest version addresses a fairly major flaw.  I won't say it is likely, but perhaps the crash you experience was caused or influenced by the flaw mentioned above.  If so, the latest version may work better.
« Last Edit: January 29, 2011, 12:42:03 AM by MikeLockmoore »

Offline MikeLockmoore

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Re: filemgr crash FAT32
« Reply #5 on: January 29, 2011, 01:03:01 PM »
Quick update:

Using Fluff 0.8.9, I tried to copy between two USB memory sticks (show as "vfat" in mount info output). No crash or other issues.

Also using Fluff 0.8.9, I used ntfs-3g to mount a Windows 7 partition and tried to copy my user documents.  There were errors but no crash. When I started Fluff from the command line, I could see that the errors were related to symlinks:

Code: [Select]
cp: can't create symlink '/mnt/sdb1/win7_docs/Templates': Operation not permitted
Tweetyhack: Let me know if you see something different.  I don't know what else I can do to test this.  Maybe I can try the older version of Fluff and see if it is worse.

UPDATE: I rebuild Fluff 0.6.0 and tried the second test (ntfs Win7 doc directory to a USB "vfat" memory stick).  Same result, symlink fail errors, but otherwise the files copied fine and no segfault.  ???  ANYONE: Is "vfat" the same as FAT32, at least as far as Linux is concerned?  If not, is it easy to reformat into a true FAT32?  I don't  have a good way to test this on a real hard drive.
Mike L.
« Last Edit: January 29, 2011, 01:20:46 PM by MikeLockmoore »

Offline tinypoodle

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Re: filemgr crash FAT32
« Reply #6 on: January 29, 2011, 01:35:56 PM »
ANYONE: Is "vfat" the same as FAT32, at least as far as Linux is concerned?  If not, is it easy to reformat into a true FAT32?

If I understand right vfat is rather related to LFN (Long File Name) support than to bits, though practically FAT32 would always be vfat, while FAT16 and FAT12 could be or not.
"Software gets slower faster than hardware gets faster." Niklaus Wirth - A Plea for Lean Software (1995)

Offline Rich

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Re: filemgr crash FAT32
« Reply #7 on: January 29, 2011, 04:03:11 PM »
I'm a little confused. If fluff was updated to 0.7.8 in tinycore_3.4rc1, and is not a separate
extension but currently integrated with tinycore, how is tweetyhack running 0.6.0?

Offline tweetyhack

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Re: filemgr crash FAT32
« Reply #8 on: January 30, 2011, 01:01:45 PM »
my mistake, I'm running TC3.3.  Fluff is 0.6.0. I don't update versions too much if things are working well or the change logs show something important. Also haven't checked for a more recent version :)

Ok, found a FAT32 drive. Copying Windows folder(not sure if 98 or ME). Got an error message "Command '/mnt/hda1' not successful". In the terminal it shows:
"can't stat '/mnt/hda1/WINDOWS/SendTo/31/2 Floppy (A).lnk': Invalid or incomplete multibyte or wide character."

Got a couple of errors like that, most of them are links or urls. Here's another:
"can't stat '/mnt/hda1/WINDOWS/Favorites/Links/ My Yahoo!.url': Invalid or incomplete multibyte or wide character." yes there is a space in front of My Yahoo, don't know why.

No crash though. This test setup: hda1 is ntfs on ide channel. hdc1 is vfat on ide channel.  My original setup(where it crashed) was hda1 is vfat on ide channel and sda1 is ntfs on external usb drive.

Ok, attached an external usb drive(ntfs). Copied Windows folder from hdc1(vfat) to sdb1(ntfs). again, no crash.

I will move forward and update to latest TC ntfs. This bug may have been taken care of already. Thanks for all the help.  And super thanks to MikeLockmoore for your patience and desire to make TC great.  I will be sure to report any other bugs I see.
« Last Edit: February 09, 2011, 09:26:16 PM by tweetyhack »

Offline tinypoodle

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Re: filemgr crash FAT32
« Reply #9 on: January 30, 2011, 01:29:07 PM »
This test setup: hda1 is ntfsfat

Huh?   ::)
"Software gets slower faster than hardware gets faster." Niklaus Wirth - A Plea for Lean Software (1995)

Offline tweetyhack

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Re: filemgr crash FAT32
« Reply #10 on: February 09, 2011, 09:28:08 PM »
what? you haven't heard of ntfsfat? Ok, it's copyright and trademarked! haha. error fixed.