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Author Topic: Unable to install to HDD!  (Read 3815 times)

Offline actionbastard

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Unable to install to HDD!
« on: January 03, 2011, 07:57:09 PM »
Hi guys,

first time user for tiny-core! ;D Switching from Crunchbang! Anyways im trying to install into the hard drive, but unable to download (through appmanager) cfdrive and grub . I tried to find other mirrors but those aren't working for me either.  ???

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Offline maro

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Re: Unable to install to HDD!
« Reply #1 on: January 03, 2011, 08:18:48 PM »
Did you by any chance mean 'the 'cfdisk.tcz' and 'grub-0.97-splash.tcz' extensions?

As it is easier to give precise instructions (and potentially receive back error messages) I'd like to suggest to run in a terminal:
    tce-load -wi cfdisk grub-0.97-splash

Offline actionbastard

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Re: Unable to install to HDD!
« Reply #3 on: January 03, 2011, 10:56:18 PM »
@maro// yes i did thank you. ill make sure to be as precise as possible.
@juanito// thank you, these are the links that are not working for me.

either way ill keep you guys updated.

Offline beerstein

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Re: Unable to install to HDD!
« Reply #4 on: January 04, 2011, 06:50:10 AM »
When you try to install on HD there are so many ways to do it and it depends
also a lot on your system confifuration.
Is your HD blank or has it other partitions?
If other partitions are present, which format (fat,ntfs,ext3 as0) ?
Are there any other operationg systems on that drive?
Do you have a spare IDE socket where you could connect another blank hd?
Do you have a USB port and can your BIOS boot from this USB port?
Do you have a hard disk parttioning program (live CD) such as parted magic or so?

Once you have the answers on all this questions - you may move one step forward and decide what you want to do next.

Let me know and I will try to help you on your next step.

have a good one
t(w)o be(ers) or not t(w)o be(ers) that is the question

Offline actionbastard

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Re: Unable to install to HDD!
« Reply #5 on: January 04, 2011, 02:53:46 PM »
Ok! So we have some progress. Last night I couldn't connect to appmanager at all(connection error). Today I was able to run   
tce-load -wi cfdisk grub-0.97-splash
Thanks Maro  :o

I started messing with the network manager in Tiny Core and it seemed to have worked.

Is your HD blank or has it other partitions? has another, CrunchBang Linux
If other partitions are present, which format (fat,ntfs,ext3 as0) ? im not sure how to find this sry  :-[
Are there any other operationg systems on that drive? just Crunchbang
Do you have a spare IDE socket where you could connect another blank hd? yes, but only one HDD
Do you have a USB port and can your BIOS boot from this USB port? yes
Do you have a hard disk parttioning program (live CD) such as parted magic or so? no, but DLing Parted Magic right now.

So ,
  • it's the only HDD
  • only has Crunchbang Linux
  • gonna format HDD with Dban

Question. Now if I format would I still need Parted Magic? Or can I partition from inside Tiny Core?

Thanks again guys. ;D

Offline maro

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Re: Unable to install to HDD!
« Reply #6 on: January 04, 2011, 06:33:27 PM »
Question. Now if I format would I still need Parted Magic? Or can I partition from inside Tiny Core?

A minimalist tool to undertake partitioning is included in the TC ISO (i.e. 'fdisk'), but you better know what you are doing with that one. A slightly more user friendly tool (i.e. 'cfdisk') is the recommended one in the installation instructions. The TC repository also contains 'gparted.tcz', a GTK2-based GUI app (install e.g. via tce-load -wi gparted and executed via sudo gparted). But this requires with all it's dependencies ca. 10 MBytes download.

But with all those tools (even the GUI ones): if you have not got a clue what you are doing you always risk to do some damage (e.g. delete a file system you did not want to loose).

If you already have a working Linux installation you also have the option to "integrate" TC into the existing Linux filesystem. This is often called a "hybrid installation" (might be worth searching for this term in this forum here).

The principle steps for such a kind of installation would be:
  • copy the TC kernel (i.e. 'bzImage') and initrd (i.e. 'tinycore.gz') to a directory (e.g. '/boot'),
  • amend the configuration of the already existing boot manager with a stanza for TC (not really any different to a boot manager stanza for TC if you would install TC on it's own),
  • create a 'tce' directory in the root directory of the already existing Linux file system (this should be "automagically" found by TC during the boot process and used for extension storage and backup).

There are more advanced variations to such a type of installation (e.g. "persistent home", or not-default directory names for 'tce') but those simple steps should be enough to get the ball rolling, and would not require any parttioning, formatting or 'GRUB' installation. This type of installtion just requires enough free disk space (for the extensions) in additon to the ca. 11 MB for the Core.

Offline actionbastard

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Re: Unable to install to HDD!
« Reply #7 on: January 05, 2011, 03:10:00 PM »
Update! great news, TinyCore  Linux has been installed!!
 :o :o :o ;D ;D ;D :D :D

I used:
  • Parted Magic 5.8 for complete reformat
  • once I booted TC I used Cfdisk for partition
  • then followed TC wiki installation

I didn't want to have multiple OS, so I backup everything.

Installation works like butter once you reformat btw.  :P

There are more advanced variations to such a type of installation (e.g. "persistent home", or not-default directory names for 'tce')
I'm very interested in this, so i'll have to read more about it, and on hybrid installations for future installations. 8)

So far Ive installed a few extensions Chromium,pidgin, OSS they seem to be working fine.
But the only one that isn't would be libnotify. I may have to look around.

As for the installation goes thankyou, Beerstein, Juanito, Maro.  Hopefully this can help someone else install TC.