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Author Topic: Wavbreaker - Audio File Splitter  (Read 3099 times)

Offline SamK

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Wavbreaker - Audio File Splitter
« on: December 30, 2010, 05:43:41 AM »
The recent addition of flRec to the TC3 repository provides a simple means of recording audio via lightweight, FLTK GUI.  This is particularly useful in circumstances where running heavyweight applications such as Audacity is not a suitable choice.

WAV files created via flRec can be very large and might need to be broken into smaller, individual files.  Wavbreaker is a designed to fulfill this function.

It is a GUI application which presents the WAV file as a waveform.  It enables the WAV to be scrolled through, or played, and break points created.  These can be automatically named or specified by the user.  Individual WAV files may then be produced as a batch.

On my test rig (approx 15-16 years old), wavbreaker was easily able to cope with a single file of 430MB+ which would not load into Audacity.

Licence: GPL
Website: http://wavbreaker.sourceforge.net