I can't sleep right now, so I'm going to add my bit.

From many years of watching the Forth programming language community wring their hands over how the computer industry misunderstood and slighted them, I've come to realize that most people and the IT industry in general don't want the best technology, or the most efficient, or the most flexible. Technologists; who by definition are focused primarily on the technical aspects of some product, tool, or technique; too often fail to understand or appreciate all of the non-technical factors determine success.
Based on what I've observed, almost anyone, from normal technology user, to business leader, to IT leader, wants the following things from technologies they adopt or buy:
1) Is it what "everyone" else is using, so I'm compatible with them, and can't be considered weird or stupid for choosing something else?
2) Is it easy to get (already bundled with something else, in stores I can shop, from my approved suppliers, or from organizations I want to work with)?
3) Is it like something I already know how to use? That my friends know how to use? My work colleagues? My workers? Taught in schools? I don't want to take the time or spend money to learn something new.
4) Does it do the job, at least most of it? If it fails, are there people around who will help fix it, or help make work-arounds, or at least hold my hand while I struggle with it?
5) Does it look good, at least on the surface?
6) Is it affordable, or at least not too painfully expensive? Does it make me look important or successful if I buy it?
I could go on, but that covers most of it. The masters of tech marketing understand these things and manipulate them to their advantage, and often times to the detriment of the rest of us. Microsoft became entrenched because the locked up the availability by negotiating bundling arrangements with their MS-BASIC in early 8-bit micros and DOS in the later PCs (#2 above, which soon lead to #1 and #3), not because their products were obviously better technically than any others. Certain game publishers made deals with retailers, guaranteeing their products got prime shelf space, while other potentially worthy games got marginal space or none at all. Apple is fantastic on items #5 and #6, and iTunes has made buying music electronically (#2) very easy. There are many, many cases like this.
Some technologists are truly naive about these things. Many understand them on some level, but refuse to think about them, or unrealistically demand that the world reject this kind of thinking and only consider technical performance, or license philosophy, or some other specific factor. I think the best technologists determinedly continue, ignoring what the masses say and do, making inroads where they can, and help good technologies survive and grow past the challenges I list. I would say Linux is such a success story, although still relatively small, even with Android.
Anyway, I don't pretend for a minute that my little apps will take over the world. They are too weird. Too ugly. Too hard to get. Too limited in their features. Etc. Etc. But I will continue on. I like them. I want to use them. I think some like-minded people will want to use them. I'm grateful Jakob has stepped forward with offers to help in many ways. I hope together we serve this little community well, and maybe open a few more people's eyes to other possibilities. Maybe even inspire a few more people to join us or start similar efforts. It may not make a big impact on the direction of development in computing, but I hope it makes a difference to those people willing to try something different.
OK, I better get some sleep!

Mike Lockmoore