Things I've done on my MacMini (now broken) and MacBook:
- booting TinyCore from a CD.
- a dual-boot configuration using an USB stick can be accomplished using rEFIt.
- a replacement installation is possible even without using bootcamp, which I wouldn't suggest so.
I didn't try it on a MacBook air though, but from what I've learned so far about Macs, I'd say, you'll get it to work, one way or the other. The question is: which way will be the "best" to go?
Boy, answering Mac questions... this will lower my charma...

I am just thinking about a "light hardware" with a "light software"...
Wouldn't it be better to go for a Sony Vaio P? The first generation is quite affordable now as refurbished hardware containing:
- 1.3 GHz Atom Z520
- 60GB 1.8" HD
- 8" 1600x768 Display
I ordered mine yesterday, mainly for running Ubuntu, but if anyone wants to know if and how TinyCore works on the Vaio P, please send me a PM, and I'll give it a try on my X-mas vacation.