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Author Topic: pppd help needed - Dial up modem  (Read 3374 times)

Offline simon.tinycore

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pppd help needed - Dial up modem
« on: December 05, 2010, 12:41:58 PM »
I am a Newb to tiny core and I think it is great :) All I want to do is connect to the internet using my 3g mobile modem. I have attached my pppscript and options files.

I am trying to set up my mobile broadband by using pppd and pppsetup. Where have I gone wrong. I have followed the suggestions thus far on the forum (adapting them with my own settings) and I cannot connect to the ISP. I can connect  to ISP on Ubuntu using  wvdial with the following settings in wvdial.conf

[Dialer Defaults]
Init1 = ATZ
Init2 = ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 &C1 &D2 +FCLASS=0
Init3 = AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","internet"
Modem Type = USB Modem
Baud = 460800
New PPPD = yes
Modem = /dev/ttyACM0
ISDN = 0
Phone = *99**1*1#
Password = ''
Username = ''

I would like to know how I can adapt these settings so that I can get pppd working properly. I also think I am having trouble with adding the Init3 line into pppscript, I have entered:

""ATZ OK "ATQO V1 E1 S0=0 &C1 &D2 +FCLASS=0" OK "AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","internet""

Is this correct.

Please could someone show me how to write a dial script to mimic the way wvdial does it. OR any other suggestions will be appreciated. OR I have noted on the forums that someone was successful installing wvdial puppy dog Linux 2008 version on Tiny core by manually copying the files over. Can anyone send me the files or show me where they can be downloaded(I have already tried puppy dogs web page)

« Last Edit: December 05, 2010, 03:17:59 PM by simon.tinycore »

Offline maro

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Re: pppd help needed - Dial up modem
« Reply #1 on: December 05, 2010, 09:29:23 PM »
The explanation in 'pppsetup' for the modem init string does not mention it directly, but have the impression that you'll need to escape all double-quotes inside a (quoted) init string with backslashes. Looking into what other characters are escaped in the given sample I guess adding a few more escapes won't hurt.

So I'd give it a try with
Code: [Select]
"" ATZ OK "ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 \&C1 \&D2 \+FCLASS=0" OK "AT\+CGDCONT=1,\"IP\",\"internet\"" OK

I did a bit of an analysis a few weeks ago. It might help for a better in-depth investigation if you would be willing to share the whole '/etc/ppp' directory from your Ubuntu system. But as a first step you could give it a try with the string above.

Offline simon.tinycore

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Re: pppd help needed - Dial up modem
« Reply #2 on: December 06, 2010, 01:01:33 PM »
Thanks for the reply.

I entered the init string as you said and it seems to have worked.

My next problem is this;

I connect to :
local IP address
remote IP address
primary DNS address
secondary DNS address

I can ping successfully however I cannot browse with opera or Dillo.
I previously connected via a proxy through the network and I set the following:
export http_proxy=
Do I need to cancel this?
appbrowser also dosn't connect.

Offline tinypoodle

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Re: pppd help needed - Dial up modem
« Reply #3 on: December 06, 2010, 01:17:56 PM » is a private IP, very common for a router.
"Software gets slower faster than hardware gets faster." Niklaus Wirth - A Plea for Lean Software (1995)

Offline simon.tinycore

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Re: pppd help needed - Dial up modem
« Reply #4 on: December 06, 2010, 01:40:54 PM »
The is part of my own network. I used squid proxy to connect to the Internet on my tinycore machine. I just wondered if I had to disable the  system proxy settings.

Offline simon.tinycore

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Re: pppd help needed - Dial up modem
« Reply #5 on: December 08, 2010, 08:40:11 AM »
Problem with browsing is now solved - this is what I did;

1. I noticed that pppd was using a default route I looked in the file /opt/eth0.sh and commented out the line:
# route add default gw (I commented out all the lines in the file just in case)

Now when I entered on command line "sudo ppp-go" I was able to connect to my ISP and browse on Opera.

However after a minute or so my cellular phone 3g modem would re-boot. I thought it was the modem so I swopped it for another modem yet it did the same.

So I
2. Started to comment out various items in my /etc/ppp/options that I thought were not needed and I commented out the line:


Now I can connect and stay on line! Hoo Raar! - Please feel free to comment on my solution offered above. Especially on my commenting out all the lines on /opt/eth0.sh. I suppose I will not be able to get onto my home network now before entering the ip address again.

I attach my "options" file for your perusal.

Offline tinypoodle

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Re: pppd help needed - Dial up modem
« Reply #6 on: December 08, 2010, 10:43:33 AM »
Once you figure out the configurations, you could have one connect script per network in /opt
"Software gets slower faster than hardware gets faster." Niklaus Wirth - A Plea for Lean Software (1995)