Ooh, I knew this was coming!

I hope I'm successful at balancing the various wants of the TC user community with the philosopy and goals of the Core Team. I will be following the general direction of the RobertS and the Core Team so that Fluff stays useful as a small, fast, and low-dependencies component of the base system.
Fluff's code base is still undergoing some significant upheavals as a few other high-priority features are added. Soon, I hope to begin collaborating with other developers on Fluff enhancements. I've already had one person volunteer to work with me on FLTK projects, which could include Fluff. I will consider any submitted code changes/patches, but for anybody thinking about jumping in, I'd recommend waiting a month or two for things to stabalize a bit more. TC 3.3 was released with Fluff beta 0.6.0. I'm personally on version 0.7.4... fourteen snapsots later.

@ SamK: Yes, I have considered adding mount/unmount features to Fluff. Since we do have mnttool in TC, it has not been a high priority. While having mount/unmount in Fluff would seem convenient, but I don't know how difficult it will be to include it and have it work in a wide variety of situations (various filesytems, various hardware types, etc). I would like to look into it someday and hopefully get some advice on how to handle the stranger mount use cases.
For what it's worth, in my own .fluff.conf file , I have added a .iso filetype with an action label of "Mount" and the command:
"sudo mkdir /mnt/iso; sudo mount -o loop %s /mnt/iso"
which makes working with .iso images easier.
Note: While I hope the following updates will be accepted by the Core Team, they and I reserve the right to omit or revise the following list at any time. So take this as an informal preview only...

* Built-in recognition of TC extension files (.tcz) and built-in association to "tce-run" them
* New Progress bar in the bottom status area (under the file details list on the right side) appears automatically when file operations are taking place; currently only works with the current/total file counts, but internal provisions are made that could allow the progress to track total number of bytes processed
* New "Manage File Types and Hints" dialog box, e.g. a GUI editor for filetypes so you don't have to muck around in the .fluff.conf file to add custom types
* New "Type" button on the file properties box opens the above "Manage File Types and Hints" dialog for that specific type of file; however, if clicked for a "generic" file, the user will be prompted to optionally create a new specific filetype, and if done, the new filetype's indentification hint definition will be pre-loaded with the original file's filename extension (if there is one )
* "Undo Changes" box in the "Manage Associations" dialog box, and removal of the "Update" button (editing is immediately "saved", but not fully committed until the dialog box is dismissed)
* "Open with option for generic file" checkbox in the "Open With" dialog box... you can treat any file generically and use any of defined associated apps for generic text files instead of its type-specific associations
* Adding "use sudo" capabiltiy to more commands
* Mount/unmount as discussed above
* Thumbnail/icon view of files as alternative to current file details list
* Three-pane view (e.g. tree plus two file detail lists) so you can easily compare contents of two directories and copy/move files between them
* Drag-and-drop between multiple instances of Fluff or between Fluff and other (specific?) apps