@ ACRizona: I'd guess gerald_clark is right, unless you are doing something less typical like not logging in as user "tc". If you are sure you can save files in your home folder, and _still_ cannot get Fluff to save the .fluff.conf file, please post more details and we will try to sort it out.
Steps to test general persistence:
1) Create a file in your home folder.
a. Open a new terminal window.
b. Enter the command "touch testfile"
c. Verify the file is there with the command 'ls -l"
d. You should see the name testfile listed as a zero-byte file with the current timestamp
2) Do a shutdown with the normal backup
3) Reboot TC and make sure the boot options allow the persistent data to be restored
4) Open a terminal window and issue "ls -l" again
5) Verify "testfile" is still there
Good luck.