I am glad tar worked and sorry for leading you astray with comm. Comm, or other methods that compare duplicate entries, requires some cuts and seds for it to work with the two file lists at hand now that I look at them. One was in /usr/local and the other was not, as well as one's modules were gzipped and the other was not. Basically, here is what could have made it work in this instance:
Download the two filelists. v4l2-media-2.6.26.tcem.list and hwmon-cpufreq-2.6.26.tcem.
cat v4l2-media-2.6.26.tcem.list | cut -f3- -d / | sort > mylist
cat hwmon-cpufreq-2.6.26.tcem | sed 's:.gz::' | sort > otherlist
comm -12 mylist otherlist > dupelist
The bad news is that each case is going to be different depending on installation prefix and filenames. Another method that would work once the file lists are sedited and cut is a simple script:
for I in `cat /home/tc/mylist`; do
cat /home/tc/otherlist | grep "$I" && echo "$I" >> dupelist
I wish there was a uniform way to do this as comparing files in extensions is going to be fairly common.
As for listing the file contents of extensions in the info file, I personally don't see that as necessary since there are file lists and they may eventually be visible on the tce web page. But if one wants to include it in the info there is nothing stopping them. I will make a post in the extension guidelines that it is not really necessary to include a file list anyway since creating one is part of the QA I do with extensions now. I am making a script that does a lot of the checks for me and creating a file list is one of them.