This is perhaps a result of not having something like this that starts with the x session:
$ cat ~/.X.d/dbus
dbus-launch --sh-syntax --exit-with-session
This does stop the error message.
ps -A contains
3927 tc dbus-launch --sh-syntax --exit-with-session
3928 tc /usr/local/bin/dbus-daemon --fork --print-pid 5 --print-address 7
notify-send -u low "Now playing" "New Song" -t 5000 -i applications-multimedia returns: no error message but also does not display a notification.
/usr/local/bin/notification-properties returns:
Segmentation fault
aoss gnome-mplayer returns: no error message and works OK.
there is also notification-daemon-xfce you can use
download it and change dep list to
also load gnome-icon-theme or any other icon theme
then execute (this is not really needed, just needed for some icons to be visible)
sudo gtk-update-icon-cache /usr/local/share/icons/hicolor
now it should work, tested from base, no need to start dbus daemon
notify-send "test" "abc" -i applications-multimedia
notification-daemon-xfce added to OnBoot, dependency list changed as recommended. Reboot.
ps -A contains no reference to dbus or notification-daemon-xfce
notify-send "test" "abc" -i applications-multimedia works OK as it produces the required OSD.
ps -A contains:
4593 tc dbus-launch --autolaunch 95e5f6024d0358e401df0b7d00000029 --bina
4594 tc /usr/local/bin/dbus-daemon --fork --print-pid 5 --print-address
4596 tc /usr/local/libexec/notification-daemon-xfce
notify-send -u low "Now playing" "New Song" -t 5000 -i applications-multimediaaoss gnome-mplayer returns no errors and works OK but does not produce an OSD notification at change of track.
My interpretation of the above is that there are two independent issues.
- Using notification-daemon. The daemon only partially loads (segmentation fault?), leading to the failure to display any OSD notifications.
- Using notification-daemon-xfce. The daemon successfully loads, the OSD notification work OK, but is not triggered by the change of track.