Thanks for the quick answer.
First of all, forget the amount of RAM and size of CF-Card, both are changeable, so I'm trying right now to get a 1024MB sized RAM and also a bigger CF-Card (last if necessary).
To be more prezise on the usage of the ThinClient:
- need of a quick boot time
- need of a quick availability of Opera after bootup / quick start time of Opera.
This is THE main app, I would use on the ThinClient.
- need of a quick availability of a pdf application to read pdf documents / quick start time of this app.
- openoffice would be used barely, so no quick start time of this app is needed
- also other apps that might come are not needed for quick avail after bootup
I installed TC on the CF-Card, which is /dev/hda1 (only one partition on the CF-Card).
After startup, I mounted /dev/hda1 to /mnt/hda1, but is was empty. Is that possible?
How do I have to mount the CF-Card correctly, in order to make the tce-directory?
Is there a difference between installings apps for my Prio1 or Prio2 issues?
Different installation process?
I'm working now many years with Debian Linux, but getting into a new distro and making the first steps with it is sometimes hard, so sorry for my questions (and more will probably follow).