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free cloud computers in the web?
this video explains it well
you can use any Linux operating system you like. Ubuntu is popular
what the guy does not show is how to install the windows desktop.
You would type
sudo apt get install X11 (window environment)
sudo apt get intstall LXDE (window manager)
then you would type "X" at the command prompt and the familiar
Linux GUI desktop will start up.
You can then install any programs that you like...
for exmaple
sudo apt get install audacity.
sudo apt get install Firefox.
The machine remebers itself for ever ....on power down.
This is a free computer to use.
It is not clear how many free machines you are allowed per free account.
it could possibly be 20 instances you are allowed.....which is useful because
you can run concurrent session of remote desktop and so you can have all these machines USABLE at the same time.
The windows remote desktop used here was a free tool called SSL.
But you can use another one called PUTTY.
here is the video of how to set it up in windows.
Linux users would just use...this to get into the distance machine
hope this is handy for you.
Sorry, you can ignore that earlier post about how to get a desktop
running on these virtual distant machines.
We have been tryign this desktop work without success.
Tried the correct tools and the correct version of Ubuntu...(remote dektop)
is the subject.....(but it won't work)
Been on the forums with lots of people trying to get this working. It's not
just me that can't get it working.
Currently we can only get into the Ubuntu box at terminal level.
ubuntu Maverick Mearket 10.10.
will still keep looking at it out of interest. It *should* almost all just work
straight out of the box and be seamless. But this is proving to be FAR from
the case.
In case you don't know.
You can edit or delete previous posts.
we have got all of the above working now.
It is good.
I am more than happy to post the instruction here....which takes about 3 minutes
to complete.
You end up with Lucid ubuntu 10.04 "desktop gui" machines ........inside free cloud computers.
The Machines are completely under your control for the year.
on a more involved topic...i wondered if anybody with conciderable experience could
help me to get the ubuntu SOUND functioning correctly?
I have instructions for SOUND which are almost perfect....but they are Fedora instrucitons and not
Lucid ubuntu.
I would greatly appreciate any expert advice on getting the sound working.
This would be the wrong forum for another distro's support.
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