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free cloud computers in the web?

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Uh, well it took a long time to succeed getting tinycore sound working.

Finally got it.

It may help you to know this info for new TC users.

The machine here is japanese fujitsu laptop. (pre yr 2000)
Yamaha sound chip. (lifebook)

It did not like OSS. There were hints of sound but it was very poor.

What it needed was alsa insalling. Then running alsaconfig
and stepping through that. Then running an alsa gui mixer.


Here are the free Linux cloud computers.  (Micro instances)

I have the full free Linux distant machine and it's Desktop up and running on my local machine here. It works surprisingly fast on a 3.5 meg DSL speed.

if you are interested, you too can get the free Linux box's up and running.

These are free to use for one year.

(Micro instances of a Linux machine. You can have as many machines as you like and use them the same as real hardware linux box's. Install and use software tools or whatever) They remember their state on power down for ever.


I followed the tutorial perfectly. Using the Karmick 9.10 ubuntu version downloaded from canonical as an EBS image.

here is the video on setting up your free "AWS cloud computing account" and using "putty" to get into the "distant Linux box" at termnial level.

When at that level you can carry out the "second full tutorial" mentioned below...(ubuntu is the user name)

Below is the tutuorial on how to get a Desktop Linux box from Amazon "up and running" in 3 minutes. (plus 15 minutes downloading/installing)



Karmick Ubuntu image is here Server version. The steps above put the desktop into it.


You will notice a little LINE needs editing while you are doing
the last step midway....(see end of the tutorial as he talks about Vi editor)





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