Hi, i am new at Tiny Core and wanted to try a simple remaster only with sdl, alsa, xfe and syslinux for USB install.
Now, remastering was fine, tested on VirtualBox runs fine, also on P4 and x86_64 from CD.
But there is a problem on my Thin Client HP 5000 512 MB Flash/512 MB RAM.
Tiny Core boots up to Desktop, but my Taskbar does not include Alsamixer, no xfe and no syslinux packages.
Of course, i could not start these software from terminal, too. Packages are not installed.
I did not find any problems in logfile.
Is it possible, that the alsa packages are making trouble? Does tce-load stop loading other packages plugged in tce/optional
when there are packages problems? Alsa is the first package in tce/optional, could this be the reason for the problems?
Another possibility - Thin Client boots from USB-CD-Rom, could this be a problem to plug in the packages correctly?
I hope someone could help me, thanks.