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Author Topic: Error in published Instructions  (Read 1950 times)

Offline NginUS

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Error in published Instructions
« on: September 18, 2010, 08:33:25 AM »
The page at http://www.tinycorelinux.com/install.html, at the part where it says
'Then click the Install button located in the bottom left corner.'
right after where it says
'The list on the left side should now be populated. Select cfdisk.tcz from the list.'
is incorrect.

There is no such button on the Appbrowser, running iso 3.1.
There is however a drop-down menu in the location mentioned, although it does not include anything to the effect of an Install command.

As such you deliver a UX wall early in the evaluation process.


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Re: Error in published Instructions
« Reply #1 on: September 19, 2010, 02:45:03 AM »

You are correct.

what is supposed to happen, before you download it, is decide  how the extension is to be ....in terms of persistence

assuming you are doing a clean install.from the live cd...I suggest you pulldown the bottom menu and select
download and install  to access it.

Then do the same for your preferred bootloader.

2) once you reboot with a bootcode using some kind of persistence, assuming that you prefer some form of persistence, other options of
onboot or ondemand then become logically available.

So yes the dox need improving......maybe the 2x and 3x way of doing things needs culling and only the newer 3.1 way becomes the new document....but I will leave that to the mods.
