username=kangkang was author for chinese input method fcitx.tcz as well as it's supporting file locale_zh-cn.tcz
as I know these 2 extensions has been done by him for tc 2.x since end of 2009, but it wasn't included in appbrowser.
it works pretty well and I have been using it on a day2day basis for the past 10 months.
since beta testing of tc 3.0, I have been trying to re-try that tcz but wasn't able to invoke input method.
kangkang didn't show up ever since I try to post to contact him in Jul.24th...
without input method ready, we actually cannot try tc 3.0 at all...
today we've figured out that installing these extensions
then run
mkdir -p /usr/lib/locale
localedef -i zh_CN -f GBK zh_CN
localedef -i zh_CN -f UTF-8 zh_CN
will generate an updated locale-archive for zh_CN here:
then simply replacing this file locale-archive in kangkang's locale-zh_cn.tcz
and re-mksquashfs will make locale_zh-cn.tcz work for tc 3.0, and fcitx will be able to invoke.
so here my query is how shall we release fcitx.tcz (unchanged version by kangkang)
and locale_zh-cn.tcz (only locale-archive updated), because posting in several forums don't seem to be effective.
may I request adding this 2 extensions to the appbrowser?
that'll enable 1 billion people using zh-cn language to move on to tc 3.0,
without input method ready, we basically cannot do anything on tc 3.0, that's a big difference.
I really think it is the right thing to do considering that tc 3.0 has been formally released.
if you think this is justified I can volunteer to own this extension for tc 3.0 until kangkang shows up.