I noticed in appbrowser there is an issue when viewing the Info tab of some extensions that have wide lines in their .info files. The horizontal scroll bar doesn't allow you to scroll all of the way over to the right side of the text, so you can't see the entire line. Sometimes you can resize your appbrowser to be bigger to see the rest of the text but this doesn't always seem to work depending on how wide your screen is and how much text is missing.
Here are some examples that have this issue when viewed in appbrowser
This doesn't seem to affect all extensions that have wide lines; some display correctly.
It looks like this is probably a bug in FLTK.
One possible workaround that seems to fix this issue is to detect wide lines and then add on a bunch of whitespace at the end which causes FLTK to make the horizontal scrolling area wider. This can be done by adding the following code right under the "brw_info->load(select_extn_file.c_str());" line in appbrowser.fl.
for (int x = 1; x <= brw_info->size(); x++){
string line = (brw_info->text(x));
if (line.length() > 64){
line = line + " ";
brw_info->text(x, line.c_str());