Tiny Core Base > Release Candidate Testing


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Team Tiny Core is pleased to announce Tiny Core 3.1 rc3 is now available for testing and preview.

* New Size tab in Appbrowser - calls tce-size
* Updated Depends tab in Appbrowser to display dependency tree
* Updated /etc/passwd user nobody for missing "home" field.
* Updated /etc/shadow user root to remove default password.
* Added 'P)rovides' to ab  command line tiny appbrowser.
* Updated appsaudit to eliminate duplicates in onboot and ondemand lists.
* New Wbar_eXclude to exclude icons from wbar available in SystemTools. Calls wbar_exclude GUI.
* Updated wbar_update to process xwbar.lst created via wbar_exclude.
* Added Appsaudit to system menu.
* Added -s option to tce-load to suppress OK when using command line tce-load -is
* Code cleanup to appbrowser.
* New background and flwm titlebar colors.

* Updated busybox to 1.17.1
* New multivt boot code for multiple virtual terminals.
* Updated Appsaudit for ondemand moved to tce directory.
* Updated ondemand script to support move of ondemand directory.
* Updated supported window managers (fluxbox,hackedbox,icewm,jwm,jwm-snapshot,flwm,flwm_topside)
* Removed unused libncurses and tset - available in recently posted ncurses.tcz
* Updated Appsbrowser - shaded 'need to download' items.
* Internationalization (setlocale) added to FLTK GUIs.
* New 'bigHomeFiles' tab added to System Stats in ControlPanel.

Note: ~/.OnDemand directory has been moved from the home directory to the user specified tce directory as ondemand/  Programs and supported window managers have been updated to reflect this change. If you use a ondemand and a window manager other than the default flwm_topside then you will have to use an rc version from http://distro.ibiblio.org/pub/linux/distributions/tinycorelinux/3.x/release_candidates/window-managers/

* Updated ondemand script to support ondemand icons.
* Updated wbar_setup to support ondemand icons.
* Updated wbar_update to support ondemand icons.
* New wbar_rm_icon to support ondemand icons.
* Updated Appsaudit to support ondemand icons.
* Updated rc.shutdown - updated processing audit_marked.lst for extension removals.
* Updated tc-config - 'showapps' cleanup via the tce-load -s flag
* Updated tce-load - 'showapps' cleanup via the tce-load -s flag
* Updated tc-config to call /opt/bootsync.sh, which in turn calls previous /opt/bootlocal.sh &
* Updated filetool.lst adding /opt/bootsync.sh
* Updated filetool.sh for safebackup and new getopts, -b for backup, -p for prompt, -r restore, and -s safebackup
* Updated filetool GUI, tc-restore, and exittc to support new options and safebackup option.
* Updated tce-load with new getopts option of  -l for load-only, typically -wil = Download + Load Only
* Updated appbrowser for new "Download + Load" plus several buttons were converted to choice widgets.
* Moved libXft.so.* into extension.
* Moved libXcursor.so.* into extension.

Added directory structure to TCE DIR ondemand.ico/ which contains appname.img and appname.ico

appname.img is a generic image extension for the actual extracted icon
appname.ico is a wbar 'item' for said extension.

Only simple/single (one icon mapped to one binary) extensions are supported.
Allows for very fast booting system, with icon loading of selected ondemand items.

You must re-create any existing ondemand items via the updated appsaudit GUI or ondemand CLI script.

Files likely in your backup that need to be updated:
/opt/.filetool.lst  - Need to add new /opt/bootsync.sh

I have been playing with the new OnDemand stuff. I couldn't stop smiling. With each new experiment the smile grew bigger. Especially when removing an OnDemand item, how the icon was removed dynamically.

Robert, with every release you have allowed me to remove more and more of my own customizations. With this candidate, I have now removed ALL of my customizations. Plus I can now trash a bunch of scripts that were under development for doing the icon injection and removal stuff. It seems as if you have covered everything.

Robert & team, brilliant!

I have two items to mention:

When doing a plain download+load, or load from local using appbrowser, wbar was not updated. I had to right-click to update wbar. [edit: I think this was already so with rc2.]

Is there a way to convert already-downloaded extensions to OnDemand? This may be a suggestion if it isn't already possible.

jur, thanks for nice comments and thanks to you for seeding the ondemand concept. It has been a challenge to implement but effort worth the results.

I will check into wbar update issue and report back. Thanks for reporting.

To convert an existing ondemand item to the new format with possible icon, just run the ondemand script together with the name of extension, .e.g, ondemand beaver.tcz or put into loop to batch convert.

Bootsync.sh working great. Thanks.
I use multivt and noautologin.
I used to get lots of startup messages after the login prompt.
Now I can get everything initialized properly with a nice clear screen before the login prompt.


--- Quote ---When doing a plain download+load, or load from local using appbrowser, wbar was not updated. I had to right-click to update wbar. [edit: I think this was already so with rc2.]
--- End quote ---

Could not reproduce. My test consisted of using appbrowser to "download + load" gtkfind.tcz.
Icon appeared in wbar. Rebooted. No icon as not loaded as expected. Then used appbrowser to "Local Local" gtkfind. Icon appeared as expected.

I will need more detailed information to proceed.


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