EDIT: See later posts below for the latest version, 1.2.6. Also new version of icon posted here.
Hello again. I've not posted much recently in this programming section, but a lot has been going on behind the scenes.

First up: a new beta release of the FL-PicSee picture viewer.
New features:
* Slideshow - 6 second automatic paging through multiple files
* Titlebar now shows "X of Y" when paging multiple images
* Smaller (prettier?) paging hotspots in upper left and right corners
* Improved keyboard handling
* Build-tcz.sh script - automates making the .tcz file and associated .list and .md5 files
* Icon for wbar or other window managers
* (VERSION 1.2.4+) Automatic file-type identification (filename does not need .jpg, .png, etc.)
The new keyboard handling does not automatically pop open the right-click menu when you press the Ctrl key (as in the prior version), which makes typing the normal window management key combinations in FLWM possible. However, you can now quickly pop open the menu with the "Windows" key or the context menu key on most keyboards. All of the normal FL-PicSee Ctrl+Key combinations now work without the right-click menu being visible.
Over time, I grew to dislike the appearance of the large paging "hotspots" on the left and right side of image window. The hotspots are now rounded rectangles with the word "Next" or "Prev" that appear when you mouse-over the upper left and right corners of the image window. Hopefully, these are large enough to still be easy for most people to use. There are several keyboard equivalents for paging, including Space and Backspace, Page Down/Up, Ctrl+ArrowDown/Up.
Before I request the Core team to package this for a new official release, I would invite anyone interested to download, build, and test this beta version. If you find bugs, please post them here. Or if you have ideas for the future, please let me know.
Some potential future features (no promises!):
* Slideshow control: at least adjust timing of transitions
* Thumbnail view
* Animated GIF (not in FLTK... need a custom viewer class?)
Mike Lockmoore