Tiny Core Base > TCB Bugs

I/O dev fd0

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--- Quote from: Jason W on March 08, 2009, 08:55:54 PM ---JP - I hope no hard feelings, I was defensive since I misread you.  I am usually happy in this hundred acre wood (or ten megabyte wood) but I can get a little bearish at times. 

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..none...The comment was kindof OT anyway, which probably comes from reading too much.  Fortunately, wind surfing season has just begun, which should help....

BTW,  I'd be happy to test out any revisions on my Dell, since nobody else seems to be experiencing the long delays. 


--- Quote from: jpeters on March 08, 2009, 09:53:47 PM ---I'd be happy to test out any revisions on my Dell, since nobody else seems to be experiencing the long delays. 

--- End quote ---

nice to see milne quoted here :) this box has a floppy, i know roberts is in a hurry to get to 1.2 final, but if i have 24 hours from now i promise to try rc2 on here. if i understand the problem is a very inconvenient 50 second delay (when tc has us used to a fast boot.) from reading i believe there's a fix i can try to see if that works? the promise is about trying rc2, not the fix, but i may try it also.

BTW...Curaga's revision did work on my DELL....I didn't understand the "revert + - " lingo, so did it wrong until I compared the two files myself and got what he was talking about.

If the diff (patch) file is confusing or you just don't have patch installed then,
I had only commented out the original line (line 71) therefore the simple fix is just to uncomment line 71 and comment or delete line 72.

got it working, but didn't see a patch ...


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