In Tiny Core 3.0, using appsaudit, if a user clicks on an application that is already been selected when in the onboot or selective copy install modes, it will add a duplicate entry for the application to the selected list.
I made some small modifications to the "brw_ext_callback" method in appsaudit.fl that fixes this.
Lines marked with *** are the lines that were modified:
1:if (brw_extn->value())
3: select_extn = brw_extn->text(brw_extn->value());
***5: bool not_duplicate = true;
***6: for ( int x=1; x <= brw_results->size(); x++ ) {
***7: if (!strcmp(brw_results->text(x),select_extn.c_str())) {
***8: not_duplicate = false;
***9: }
***10: }
12: if ( report_type.length() > 0 )
13: {
***14: if ( not_duplicate ) { box_results->label(select_extn.c_str()); }
15: menu_dependson->activate();
16: menu_requiredby->activate();
17: menu_missing->activate();
18: menu_delete->activate();
***19: if ( not_duplicate ) { brw_results->load(""); }
20: }
***21: if ( option_type == "select" && not_duplicate)
22: {
23: command = "echo " + select_extn + " >> " + copy2fsList;
24: system(command.c_str());
25: brw_results->load(copy2fsList.c_str());
26: }
27: if ( update_type == "update" )
28: {
29: window->cursor(FL_CURSOR_WAIT);
30: Fl::flush();
31: command = "tce-update update " + target_dir +"/" + select_extn + ".md5.txt >/tmp/apps_upd.lst";
32: brw_results->load("");
33: system(command.c_str());
34: brw_results->load("/tmp/apps_upd.lst");
35: window->cursor(FL_CURSOR_DEFAULT);
36: Fl::flush();
37: }
***39: if ( report_type == "onboot" && not_duplicate)
40: {
41: command = "echo " + select_extn + " >> " + onbootList;
42: system(command.c_str());
43: box_results->label("On Boot Items");
44: brw_results->load(onbootList.c_str());
45: }
47: if ( report_type == "ondemand" )
48: {
49: window->cursor(FL_CURSOR_WAIT);
50: Fl::flush();
51: box_results->label("Current OnDemand Items");
52: command = "ondemand " + select_extn;
53:// cout << command << endl;
54: brw_results->load("");
55: results = system(command.c_str());
56: if ( results == 0 )
57: {
58: command = "ls -1 $HOME/.OnDemand | sort -f > /tmp/ondemand.tmp";
59: results = system(command.c_str());
60: if (results == 0 )
61: brw_results->load("/tmp/ondemand.tmp");
62: } else
63: brw_results->load("/tmp/ondemand.tmp");
64: window->cursor(FL_CURSOR_DEFAULT);
65: Fl::flush();
66: }