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Tiny Core Thin CLient
Thanks for the tips folks, I proceed with experiments more or less along the lines of your suggestions.
I´d appreciate more info and advice on the browser question.
- issues having an open source project for this where Opera is the browser (built into an ISO I´d propose)
- alternatives that avoid the issue with opera.
You could use firefox instead - the extension is called minefield
Jason W:
I also like Seamonkey, but like Firefox/Minefield it requires gtk2. Even it's official build is responsive and feels fairly light on my old machines.
--- Quote from: andrew_d_mackenzie on March 15, 2009, 01:36:22 PM ---Thanks for the tips folks, I proceed with experiments more or less along the lines of your suggestions.
I´d appreciate more info and advice on the browser question.
- issues having an open source project for this where Opera is the browser (built into an ISO I´d propose)
- alternatives that avoid the issue with opera.
--- End quote ---
Hi have you made any progress on this? I am developing a project using TC and would like to suppress any console output until X loads, too. Currently experimenting with splashy...
Any feedback about your experience will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
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