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Tiny Core Thin CLient

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I run a non-profit organization (Autelic) that runs projects to advance technology solutions for novices and the elderly.

I am looking for a starting point to build a Linux-based "Web thin client".
I've been very impressed by TinyCore and wanted to ask about using it as the basis for a "thin client" that would:
- boot directly into a browser in full-screen mode (IceWeasel? Don't know if Opera has a full-screen mode?)
  - probably want Flash (pending more investigations)
- no window manager
- no pop-up windows or dialogs or tabs - just one main window
- connect to a pre-determined URL where a web-app would reside

It's great that it's got SSH server for remote admin, and I'd like to add x11vnc for remote screen sharing.
I'd like to investigate adding ActiveID USB-key login (or similar), but that's another story...

- do the Tiny Core creators mind or encourage me?
- has anything similar been done already on TinyCore?
- I'm assuming this is "off topic" for the Tiny Core team and they don't want to sponsor/host such a project?
   - hence that means taking a copy and creating a new project, not a branch or sub-project
- anyone out there interested in helping?  (reply here or e-mail

Thanks in advance

Founder and President
Autelic Association (

Everything in Tiny Core is GPL and all sources are posted for immediate download.
So as long as the GPL is honored I have no issue with your proposed project.
Your project sounds very worthy. Just know that the latest flash requires gtk2 which can be quite large
With Tiny Core you can try out some of our various install modes and see if your target hardware is a good fit.

Jason W:
If I may add, here are a couple of configuration tips you may want to try.  First, add this line to /opt/ to enable the ssh server on boot:

/etc/init.d/dropbear start

Then edit the /home/tc/.xsession file to read as this to load no window manager and open Opera to a specific page:

--- Code: ---Xvesa -br -mouse /dev/psaux,5 -screen 800x600x16 -shadow -nolisten tcp -I 2>&1 >/dev/null &
exec opera --fullscreen

--- End code ---

I am not fimiliar with x11vnc, or how to obtain permission for Flash redistribution, but maybe these two simple tips can be a start anyway.  Opera gives a black screen when hitting F11 when in fullscreen mode without a window manager but returns when hitting F11 again.

Some technical points:

- Opera does have a kiosk mode too, in addition to a full-screen mode; you can stop the user from doing certain things
- You most likely do want a window manager, because without one you'll have various issues starting from focus issues and pop-up menus. They can be completely hidden and only left to manage windows, either by configuring one like Jwm or by using a minimalistic one in the first place

Finally, if you'd like to have the possibility to update to a further release of TC, I'd recommend creating all your modifications as a tarball. It might not be possible to have it as a TC extension, since it will likely modify some system and/or user files, but a tarball is fine. It's then very easy to offer an iso that is based on the latest TC and has all your modifications included.

Thanks for the encouragement and suggestions.

I'll try and round-up some volunteers who know more about these subjects to try and help me put together a first prototype (probably without flash, from the sounds of it).

If anyone reading this wants to volunteer to help out in any way, then just e-mail us at

thanks again



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