When connection to server is less than ideal, it fails upon some single items in deps, e.g.
tc@box:~$ depinfo7.sh VBox-OSE
VBox-OSE.tcz size(bytes): 11202560, 10.68 MB
hal_support.tcz size(bytes): 40960, 0.04 MB
nc: bad address 'distro.ibiblio.org'
libcap.tcz Error, not found
libxslt.tcz size(bytes): 303104, 0.29 MB
libxml2.tcz size(bytes): 696320, 0.66 MB
nc: bad address 'distro.ibiblio.org'
libIDL.tcz Error, not found
SDL.tcz size(bytes): 380928, 0.36 MB
Would there be any way to add something like more "grace time"?