I'm working on the update right now. There are just a few questions left:
libslang.so must be in slang.tcz
Why? libslang.so will only be used during linking, and that's part of development. If you take a look at the elf header, it states that it looks for libslang.so.2.
$ objdump -x slsh
Dynamic Section:
NEEDED libslang.so.2
NEEDED libdl.so.2
NEEDED libm.so.6
NEEDED libc.so.6
RPATH /usr/local/lib
Proper location for header files is /usr/local/include/slang directory.
I also like to question this as well. I can't remember any distribution where the slang includes are installed in an own directory, and I double-checked it with my debian server where both includes are put in /usr/include. Since there are only two files, I think I'd be breaking more than I'm gaining if I move the includes to an own directory.
With these rearrangements it would be perfect
Your constructive comments are always welcome.