Anyone had any luck (in any distro, not just TC) with linux and 4+ monitors (either two ATI/AMD duals or a single Nvidia quad-head?)
NOTE: TC preferred, but this is more of an X question which I imagine is across the board.
The machine in mind is a little beefy (8x2 core AMD, 32G RAM and using a hot-swap slot in the chassis with laptop drives to select an operating system.)
With WIN7/10 the cards and LCDs are detected with default support and it's a snap setting up for a 2x2 screen pattern. My last attempt years ago with CentOS in a similar landscape allowed screen0 to act kinda' normal, but the other three looked as though the drivers were choking (lines everywhere, text/graphics were virtually indecipherable.)
I'm guessing it's just a matter of of setting up (manually) the config file for X for card0/card1 and screen0-4 after installing ATI drivers, but if someone out there has "been there, done that" thoughts and suggestions would be very appreciated!